Friday, December 21, 2012

1 year ago, I shaved my head

Hello, my love!!

I was feeling inspired by this post by Tara Wagner, so I wanted to revisit my journey to shaving my head a year ago, how it all worked out, and where I am at with it now...

Soon after I shaved my head, I wrote this blog post love story about an Amazon Warrior Monk Rockstar :)

The most incredible experience
When I listened to Tara's video, some of the things she mentioned that I remembered were how liberating and enlightening the experience was. I felt so radiant. I felt my light shining out. It felt like it was pouring out of my head.

It felt euphoric for a couple weeks, and then it was so comfortable. Unlike Tara, I absolutely loved looking at myself in the mirror. I had never felt more naturally beautiful. Catching myself in a mirror or a window reflection brightened my day.

The feedback I got about it was very much a reflection to how I was feeling about all of it. At first, I was hesitant to how people were going to understand me, and people seemed just as hesitant as I was. When I felt gorgeous, people told me I was, even if it was just with a smile.

The craziest response I go was from my beloved mother, who really just never got it -- just a few weeks ago she told someone I did it because I had a breakdown. How funny. I guess I can embrace that, though - I surely was breaking some shit down in my life!!

I kept it shaved until February, when I gave in to the desires of my children and a guy I was dating, who wanted me to grow it out. I loved watching it grow. Each new quarter of an inch was my new favorite hair length :))

What had started out as an experience became more about a hairstyle.

I will be honest, I miss having a shaved head. I miss the simplicity. I miss how radiant I always felt.

I always loved my curls, and I loved my shaved head, but now that my hair has gotten longer, I am not digging this middle length. I miss how simply radiant I looked with my shaved head. Now, I feel like my beauty and radiance is complicated by my hair.

I got my first haircut by someone else (in 17 years) a few weeks ago. A woman with curly hair like mine, whose hair shape I really liked. I trusted her, and I was pleased with the result. I went from looking Bozo-the-clown-esque to my hair being lighter, my head looking less... big.

I don't have any pictures. I haven't really wanted to take any of me recently. I don't know why, but I am not questioning it. Just going with it.

Here is one of my last pictures...

How about this? :)

I have had quite a hair journey in my life, such delicious contrasts and extremes :))

I foresee purple curls in my future. Just sayin' ;)

I would love to kind of recap what it was I remember learning from the experience...

I remember, loud and clear, that I suddenly KNEW that someone's reaction to me was all about them and nothing about me. I was just an opportunity to reflect something back to a person.

I was suddenly very clear that someone's approval or disapproval of me had nothing to do with me. I cannot begin to explain how profound that realization was for me. I was one of the biggest people-pleasers EVER. OH, the extents I went to. How I bent myself in ways that were not about being ME.

That was one of the most delicious goodies I received from the experience.

Another has been "shaving" other areas of my life.

I am pretty positive that shaving my head was a catalyst to "shaving" stuff from my life, to putting the rest of the bit of stuff I own into storage and living comfortably in my van.

I recently told a friend that I had gotten into the RV with the intention of living simplicity and joy, but me being me, I had to take it to a radical level. It's how I roll. I am starting to just go with it and not be so surprised by it.

IT is kind of like my unassisted birth -- on one hand, I wanna yell from the top of a mountain that I FREAKIN DID IT! And on the other hand, it just feels so normal and "Of course I did."

When I talk to more mainstream folks is when I feel like giving myself ribbons for the cool shit I do. In fact, I have a blog post in the works, sharing some of the coolest things I am proud of doing :)

Does it count as brave if you were just nestled deep within and following your heart?

Does it count as brave if you just released your fear and just did what felt right, getting into step with trust?

I am sure there is so much more that I learned, both from the actual process of shaving my beloved curls off my head, and the living since. I am sure I have been changed in deep profound ways. I am sure it was a huge contributor to the peace and trust I feel in life today.

I can't think of anything else to share about it.

I do want to share, in anticipation of a question.... why I keep growing my hair out if I wasn't done having it shaved.

I see long curls in my life again. I see curls past my shoulders when I am in love with a life partner, and I am at peace with moving in that direction. I will always have the pictures to revisit my previous uber-empowering step in life.

The most delicious thing about life is that there is always a new uber-empowering, super radical, deeply moving experience to be had.

Being the wild woman that I am, I guess I keep people on their toes ;)

I love you.

Talk to me ♥

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Can Santa Be Black?

Hello, Love *warm smile*

We are staying snug whilst enjoying this soul-delicious time of year. I wanted to get into the feel of the holiday here, so this is my gift to you today...

It is an excerpt from one of my favorite holiday poems, called Can Santa Be Black? I'm really excited to have found this at the perfect time of year to share it :)

Here is the link to the full poem. It starts with kids asking questions about Santa, and then this is Santa's reply back to their class:

Dear Mr. Slater, Dear Girls, Dear Boys,
Once a storywriter caught me bringing you toys.
The year he spied me opening my sack,
My skin was white, my boots were black.
You probably know how that story goes . . .
I laid a finger aside my nose?
All these years, needlessly,
That story worries children who don't have a chimney.
All year long I listen to the news,
Read people's thoughts, see people's views.
At the end of the year, when I see what's needed most,
I take that shape, like a Christmas ghost.
I can pass through keyholes, windows and locks,
Apartment buildings, hospitals, tents, and trailer lots.
One year I used a wheelchair in place of my sleigh,
Once I was blind and had to feel my way.
It's hard to understand when I don't leave a toy:
You can't unwrap a gift like hope or health or joy.
My skin has been black, white, yellow, red, brown;
My eyes have been slanted, crossed, and round.
Sometimes I have been a she:
All these things are a part of me.
You may not believe all this is true,
But that's okay, boys and girls, because . . .
I believe in you.
--- Copyright © B.J. Wrights
Oh, it brought tears to my eyes, again, even though I have read it a hundred times ♥
I think it may have extra feeling to it this year for us. We don't have the traditional home, and our holidays are lacking the twinkle of decorations that put us in the holiday spirit.
Also, we don't have room for toys. This year, I can't play Santa. I don't have the money or the space.
Last year, we were more down-and-out about all of this. Last year, the kids got toys from an incredible woman in the area who gifts homeless folks, and she went all out for my kids. My kids got presents from Kaelani, and they got presents from Brother Benos, and they got a present from our dear friends we were staying with, and they got a filled stocking from me, but where were their presents from Santa?
I hadn't anticipated the question, so I bumbled something about telling Santa to share their gifts with kids who weren't going to get any, because we were blessed to get so many from so many wonderful people in our life.
This year, I have a new perspective on this whole Santa thing....
It is part of that humble + blessed part of our life right now.
We are surrounded by the most close and loving people this winter. I feel like life is a big woolen hug.
This year, I am acutely aware that Santa is the spirit of these beautiful people who feel blessed to share with us. Santa is their love. Santa is their kindness and generosity. Santa is their darlinghearts and their service. Santa is their abundance and the overflow that they share.
Santa has already started to bring us gifts. And I never would have believed that I would find places in the van to squirrel them away :))
So, when the poem says,
I can pass through keyholes, windows and locks,
Apartment buildings, hospitals, tents, and trailer lots.
and it says
It's hard to understand when I don't leave a toy:
You can't unwrap a gift like hope or health or joy.
you probably understand why it makes me bawl like the sappy mama I am.

This is the season of giving, and I am learning so much about the gift of receiving. I have always been a giver, but it was just in the past month or 2 that I felt peace with receiving. I see the joy and blessings on the face and in the life of the giver. I feel more deeply connected to the person, and they to me.

It is a beautiful thing.

I think I am going to find a fun and creative way to decorate the van. I look forward to pulling out our winter holiday basket, touching our past, connecting to our traditions and the love that has gone into this holiday historically for us.

I am filled with so many stories that I would love to share with you. I am blessed to have a cup that runneth over, a cup that will spill into more blog posts love letters for you in the next couple weeks ♥

Until next time, stay warm and cozy, and soak this poem in, my love...

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

The Big Wrap-up

Hello, My love ♥

I want to tell you a story....

In mid-2011, I decided I was ready for some serious change in my life. I had sat in a house comfortable for long enough, I needed some adventure. So, I sold the belongings that filled my 3-bedroom townhouse, things I loved and things I was grateful to be clear of.

Also, I deeply renovated an old RV, learning as I went along. It started out as a paint job, until I started to find things and to dig deeper. I attempted to make it our home. It became the biggest project I have ever undertaken, and I did it day-in and day-out for 3 months.

In addition to being the mama I am to my children.

It was so much work, and it was a wild ride, an absolute roller coaster of being in the flow and often living so knocked out of alignment in so many ways.

It was a lot.

And I think it took me about a year to stop reeling.

I started 2012 off unsure and lost. I had no real direction.

The life I felt I had been promised via the blogs that had inspired me to make these steps in the first place, didn't pan out. I felt like an epic failure. I realized that I had manifested the most magnificent anti-climax of my life, to that point.

Still, I took things in stride. I focused on the positive. I had an incredible experience.

I found zen.

I lost it again.

I have found something greater.

I have recharged my batteries. Where last year I had no direction, this year, I am more than ready to make shit happen.

2012 was the year everything fell apart. It needed to. I was cracked open, and what I found inside was greater than any treasure I could have found on the path I had hoped to find on the road.

2013 is the year it is all going to fall into place. I have taken my reprieve. I have recharged my batteries. I have re-found trust that it all happens for the right reason - I have experienced that reason.

2013 is going to be an incredible year. I have been planning.

Not just dreaming but planning.

I have been entering things into a homemade planner and doing them. I have so much done and even more wonderful incredible things planned. I have the most amazing dreams.

This planner I speak of... I will share more in a later post.

So far, December has been about wrapping so many things up, preparing to start 2013 off with a BOOM! I am not waiting for the new year. I am working now, and looking forward to being in the groove for 2013, looking forward to freshness that happens with the new year, in a way that I didn't have it in me to do last year.

I am using Leonie's 2013 life planner and biz planner, and tweaking it to be my own. I can't wait to share more of it with you.

Right now, my gift to you is my enthusiasm, the witnessing of me revving my engines up.

Although, it feels more like packing my sacred knapsack and preparing for a long transformative and incredible journey of learning and living and experiencing and manifesting and sinking deeply into my shadowy cave when needed.

I have sacred medicine.

I want to share it with you. But I need to master practicing it first.

I know I am a shaman. I know I have so much medicine and divination to share with you.

I need to take on this vision quest, though. And I am blessed to have this medium to share it with you. And I am honored to come back and share my medicine with you when the time is right.

I love you ♥

What do you have in the mix for 2013? What are you wrapping up in 2012?

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Brave Enough to be Voluntarily Homeless

Hmmmmm, what is a "home"?

[space to think before continuing]

I have written on this before. Today is similar, but much more...

For us, home is our van. And, yes, I mean literally. Our RV has become storage. We have chosen to live in our van. Last year, when we tried it but got frozen out, I dubbed it vanpacking -- it's like backpacking, but the van does all the work :)

I kinda love it.

Most people will not get it. That's okay ♥ I am not speaking to them. I'm speaking to you, the gypsy-at-heart, the radical minimalist, the serious out-of-the-box thinker.

Our simple life

Can you do it?

Can you step away from the chatter in your head and the conditioned fear and resistance, and glimpse the beauty, the joy, the connection, the delicious simplicity, the reprieve?

Mmmmm, yes. There it is.

The thick condensation on the window is distorting the colored lights that surround the dark parking lot, creating a muddled watercolor painting on an illuminated wall.
I breathe, soaking it in.
Beauty. Peace. Simplicity.
A treasure.
Sink deeper into my moment.

I breathe and it makes me smile :)
Soft sweet dreads in my nose smell of the memory of a long delicious day of swimming, the freshness of the shower that resulted, and that crisp easy feeling afterward of a day well-spent & a sleepy body.
Still breathing.
Mmm. The sweet dreads & mingling scent of freshly laundered sheets. How easy it is so keep everything clean, when the lot of what we have is so simple and tending to it & the simple needs of our life encompasses the bulk of our life.
Just the way I wanted it.
Fresh sheets, fresh dreads, a family of 4 cuddling like sardines in a warm cozy bed.

Isn't this what life is all about?

It is. It really is.

We live in a beautiful, kind, green, enlightened, artful, kick-back, beachy community.

5 big differences about living in your van vs. a house:
  • we retire after a long day to the bed in the back of the van, rather than a building
  • we are in our community & visiting beloveds much more often
  • we don't cook or wash dishes, and we clean our home while parked next to a playground
  • we drive somewhere to pee (or park near a restroom)
  • we don't have company over often

My kids each have their own little space and a bag or 2 or more (oldest child) of toys, books, drawing utensils, technology, and the like.

We have the means to charge stuff in the van, but don't need to often. We frequent the library almost daily, and our sleep rhythms are very in tune with the nature so close to our lives.

When we need downtime, we cozy into the privacy of our van parked near free wifi and watch Netflix, draw, read, write. Sometimes, after the babies have fallen asleep, my oldest and I will drive down to the beach and talk in the dark, looking out over the still black water and the white waves rolling in.

The little ones love to jump on the bed, wrestle, wrap themselves up in the blankets, build forts in the back. So many aspects of life no different than if we were in a house.

On Halloween, my son knew so many kids (and parents) we encountered downtown, from our days at the library or the parks we frequent, that he said it was the best Halloween ever!

Everyday, people compliment me on how incredible he is & fun to talk with. Not to mention adorable.

Each of my kids are adored by so many regulars in our life, who fill or hearts & lives with their blessings.

Most days, we eat fresh, mainly organic & raw foods. Salads, wraps, fruits & veggies from Whole Foods & Trader Joes, or day-old pastries from Starbucks, donated to our local community resource center, where we spend most mornings of the week awaiting our daily rations and hanging out with some interesting, kind, & incredible people in similar situations and all walks of life, who adore my kids and me, and we them. Good people. Soul-delicious company.

I have been told that a couple of really sweet and wonderful people lit up & seemed to come alive when my kids and I rolled into town a couple months ago. Just as we lit up when they came into our life, too.

It rained last week. We were dry, but I wondered for some of my friends, who have less shelter than we do. I often find myself wondering how I can continue to connect and be involved in this community once our life shifts and is ready for something different. I think about what I can do now. I think I might be doing it. Or at least a bit of it.

This area makes for amazing people, regardless of their house-status.

A few evenings a week we enjoy hot dinners with our friends and fun, positive, church-folk who serve home-made delicious meals, warm eyes & smiles, and no side of religion forced down our throats. Bonus: we usually leave with a to-go box!

Our meager monthly income can be alloted in a way that feels satisfying to my simple self. We pay our bills (cell, YMCA membership, Netflix) with ease. I can finally afford to buy a few things for my kids and myself each month. Laundry. Water. Gas.

That's about it.

We are house-free. Structure free.

Not because we wanted a cheaper lifestyle - I do not believe any of this has been cheaper than the house we last lived in - but because it felt right to move into our RV, and then it felt right to call the van homebase.

"Gypsy Goddess - Everywhere she goes, she is home. Her heart sings the song of the world..." - Leonie Dawson

Like when I shaved my head last winter and felt radiant and sexy, an Amazon warrior monk. A cleansing. Learning. Being in new ways.

This is like shaving the hair off my life. I feel radiant and light and easy. I feel grounded and flowing.

Got rid of the excess, the mask, the distractions from the essence. Now, I know what life is, what it's all about.

Our life is aligned with our values.
We thrive.
We are close & connected.
We eat healthy & move our bodies often.
We sleep cozily.
We clean & align our bodies & and our van-home daily...ish :)
We are more closely synced with nature.
We know our community intimately.
We are humble & blessed.
Our basic needs are better tended to.

And when life is this simple, I have less worries & more appreciation.

Vast open spaces for big dreaming + wild creating, reading, journalling the depths of my soul, seeing the connection between the moments of my life and the sacred & divine. Life has slowed down like slow-motion in a movie. There is depth, such depth.

Quality time with my kids is embedded in our life & woven into the tapestry of my day, alongside watching the little ones play & grow friendships & adoration for friends of all ages, and being RIGHT THERE when my oldest draws her newest picture or perfects the singing of a song or finds a new series on Netflix that she wants to devour or wants to share her latest life realization.

We are dry. We are warm. We are safe. We are clean. We are healthy. We are happy. We are connected - to each other & ourselves, and our community & friendships.

That is so what life is all about.

We live in our van. And we are living the life.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

A Beginners Listening

"You have the right to be a beginner. Where you are at is exactly where you are supposed to be in your journey." - my friend to her daughter, spoken so eloquently that it has been ringing in my head, heart, and soul for over a week now.

I just love the healing that comes to me when I listen.

Especially when the listening is to my oldest daughter, who so closely mirrors so many of my own struggles.

She was struggling with a performing arts class that she was taking, feeling awkward and inadequate and out of her element, and it suddenly struck me that she was in the novice stage, which is not something she is used to experiencing.

She is a lot like me, where we jump into things and pick them up so fast that we are almost instant masters. But in this case, she wasn't.

In business, and self-kindness, and finances, I am not. What I am is a struggling beginner. Every step that I take is chocked full of learning with a heavy dose of reflection on a hurtful or absent past in these areas.

I am really really good at sitting and planning and soaking in the dreaming part, so I tried something different with my business and pushed some doing into my path.

The results are still foggy. It felt good to finish something, even just one piece of a package. I was still lost on promoting it, and now I have scrapped the whole thing and am starting afresh. Again.

Oh, me. *self chuckle*

I am back to listening again. Because I felt lost.

I can't be lost when I listen and follow my inside voice, though.

So, here I am.

Wondering if I am just not ready to be that far in my business yet.

I feel like I did when I used to have to write papers for professors. Draft after draft, trying to perfect it, then suddenly scrapping it and rewriting the whole thing so I can be done by the deadline (or just after it, as the case may be).

Only, this time, I have no professor, no deadline, no limit to my ability to perfect it.

Each time I scrap it and start over, I feel like I am peeling back another layer to how I really feel on the topic and what it is I really want to share.

It is so stankin simple to me. Is it practical to sell a whole e-book with just a couple questions in it?

I think it is meant to be an e-course, where it is more about the reader's journey, than all the things I have to say about it. And it is meant to be a unique journey, which can be a challenge when writing an e-book for everyone.

I think part of my journey right now is still wondering what my message is. I feel like a jack of all trades but a master at none. I can't narrow it down to one essential message that everything grows from. I have a feeling it is like a fish looking for water.

So, instead of feeling lost from searching with my head, I am going to step back, listen, follow, and trust that it will unfold.

I look forward to having help along the way. The chapter of wanting to do everything alone has come to a close.

I am done being a solitary and now am gathering my coven pack close.

So much is churning deep and heavy inside me. It is my Taurus moon, earthy emotions in my dark of the moon right now. Meanwhile, my light and flowy Pisces sun is just floating down the river without a care in mind. It is such an interesting and perplexing dichotomy.

I am pretty sure the churning involves money, livelihood, home, love, and sacred. Just those little things -- ha!

Even more pretty sure that this churning is winter + composty, and that Spring will bring a rebirth.

It is not even National Gratitude Day, yet, and I am already looking forward to a Yule ceremony of casting off the things that no longer serve a purpose in our life.

Normally, I would say "Why wait?" but I think my insides and the planet's outsides have truly synced. I feel like I will be perfectly ready when the 22nd of next month comes.

I have about a month to continue this churning, to reflect on what works and what doesn't, to make some decisions, to converse with my oldest about where to travel next in life, and start keeping an eye out for a place we might want to really grow our roots.

Lots to listen to.

Also, I want to listen to me more. My style. I still do a lot of "shoulds" about how I write, what I write about.

I don't share the dark murky shadow place that I glean most of my delicious insight from. I just share the end result, the wisdom I bring back, the jewels.

I want to get real here.

And I want to draw and paint.

I love writing as creative expression, and I love crafting. But I look forward to a bit more process, and a bit less product.

Art journalling. Full Moleskin journals. *soulgasm*

This blog will probably get a bit more edgy. I have tried to not offend anyone in my life for so long, tried to appeal to everyone possible and be inclusive. I don't know if I have been trained to be "nice" so very well, or if I just need to re-evaluate what being love + kindness means to authenticity.

Because sometimes, it has been at the expense of my own sacred voice.

My mom practiced Witchcraft powerfully for as long as I can remember. I learned early to keep the secrets that society didn't understand to myself.

As I reconnect more with my sacred, I will speak more on the Pagan callings of my heart. A space I have hidden and been disconnected from.

This space is so deliciously shifting. In reflection to my own life. In the manifestations of my intentions.

I hope to be here more often.

I hope to have plenty of interesting stuff to say.

I hope to get back into the "blog" writing way of thinking as I go through my day, so I can gather more delicious jewels to share with you here.

I love you. So very much.

And I am so thankful to have you here, reading the words of my heart.

In Gratitude.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Yummy Yummy Life

Yes, it is THAT yummy.

Hello, my love *this is where I would enter a script-heart if my blog didn't think it was a messed up HTML code*



Oh, how I have missed connecting with you.

I have so much deliciousness to share.

Life is bountiful and simple and sacred and full of space for dreaming and fantasy planning and real planning and allowing things to unfold as I take one perfect aligned and delicious step at a time.

I have been thick in creation-mode, even though the laptop gods saw fit to make me take a break from mine for almost a month (I am on a brand new one right now that I ADORE). I have been thinking in imagination flow about how I want to wrap up my Whole Family Learning e-package (formerly known as Growing a Whole Child), and how I am going to completely revamp my A Powerful Birth e-package (formerly known as just Powerful Birth - I like the shift an A brings).

I have been even thicker in information inputting, reflecting, and soaking the good stuff in. I just knew Pixie Campbell would have some medicine for my soul, so I started reading her blog from the beginning (I am about 3 years in now), sorting through it with a fine toothed comb, journal ready, pen in hand. Oh, such delicious healing. And arrows to my new steps in life.

Visions flowing out of me. I used to dream my visions for the future, and now they flow out of me while I am awake. I know I am channeling. They way it flows out astounds me, and I LOVE what I see and the internal healing that ensues, knowing the limitless possibilities of time means that I can bathe in the future "fixes" by feeling the healing today. I am feeling more connected to my destined role of medicine woman, shaman, inner journey woman, fearless shadow visitor, storyteller, story re-interpreter.

And then there is the life experiencing. Feeling so very aligned, releasing fear and control, opening up to humble blessings, and enjoying the results. So clear. So delicious. So chocked full of learning.

We have brought life down to the most basic for the winter, so I can focus my energy on the deep healing and planting I do during this time.

Creating wide open spaces for growing new things. Products galore. Sacred sisterhood circles. Financial reprieve to set us up for a successful new year.

I was feeling scared, and I was feeling alone, and I was feeling drawn away from the nomad life. And then I had a huge epiphany. The epiphany was that this last year has been so stressful because I am used to jumping into things and being an instant master, but I am not used to being such an awkward learner, and this has been some serious learning.

Once I realized that the sky opened up and the universe shone down upon me. There wasn't something wrong with me. I was just learning. I was a novice. It wasn't coming naturally to me. It was completely new and different.

And this wasn't the first time. There NEVER was something wrong with me. I was always just on a learning journey.

And suddenly I realized that the super hard, overwhelming, "I can't take this" was a transition, like in birth (when the mama suddenly thinks it is too much and she can't take it and she can't do it), on the precipus of something epic and huge and incredible. If I had stopped when it got hard, if I had backed away, I would have missed the ginormous lesson, the opportunity to rebirth my life with this new understanding and sense of capability and limitless possibility, or to be reborn through my experience.

And now life. Ah, life. Yummy yummy life.

Living the simple. Experiencing the abundant. Loving the BEing.

Vanpacking. We are up to it again. Must be something about this time of year.

We had talk of selling the RV. On Facebook, I wrote, "I don't know where we are headed, but i know this: I create miracles, and we manifest incredible life experiences. I take leaps of faith, and nets appear. So, I'm going with that :)"

I want to live a life that grows from inspiration and brilliant zinging bliss, and I was feeling so stuck with the RV and so out of alignment. So, as we prepped it to put into storage yesterday, and it was empty and clean, I realized how much I really really love it. It is boondocking that leaves me feeling ick, not our beloved Gypsy Goddess. I want to keep her. So, we are going to put her in storage, to keep her safe from the registration-enforcers, and grow my income, so we can get her all legit, find a cozy spot to call home, and enjoy life. 

I look forward to having a nice monthly spot that we love that is close to Kass' fabulous school in the incredible city we are so blessed to call home right now. And I look forward to tempering that with some deep serious travelling in the summer. My gypsy blood is itching.

I can't give up this life yet - I haven't even travelled yet!!! LOL 

So, we are looking to find a delicious combination of local living and travel adventures. I want to steal away whenever Kass has a break from school. (Thankfully, she only goes 2 days a week, so a "week" off school, is actually closer to 2 weeks.)

The missing link between here and there is just money. Well, maybe a bit of sisterhood, too.

So, I have been prepping my soil, especially most recently, and I am gearing up to ease into this new journey.

Which reminds me of another piece of my patchwork path of learning. Previously, I lept into new experiences. I would make a mad dash for the finish line. I tried to skip the awkward learning phases.

I had a vision recently, where I envisioned myself in a new foreign city. My first inclination is to rush through, to fly past the discomfort in my gut. And I realized that once my babies are old enough to be okay without me for a week, I need to take a retreat to India alone. I need to practice moving slowly in a new place, by myself, so I can really focus on my internals during the process. And I want to stay in an ashram, so I can sink into some soul work during the journey.

Well, during this money and sisterhood learning, I am going to sink deeply and slowly. I have learned so much about leaning into learning, and I have been dabbling in quickness. But quick-fix is not going to work at this next step. Once I have my grounding, my footing I hope I can start leaping and flying and such. But for now, the naturally-embedded detours and early learning should be sufficient challenge :)

Well, my love. I am sure there is a whole heckavalot more I could share, but for now, this feels full.

I love you.

Thank you for being patient with my blog & biz learning, and thank you for being with me as I fumble, burst, laugh, cry, love, connect, give.

So blessed to have you by my side ♥

Will you gift me with a precious jewel from your treasure trove of money and sisterhood (comment below)? I would love to sit with it and soak in its medicine as I take in these next few steps of my journey.

I love you.

Have I told you recently how much I love you?

This reminds me of us. Maybe a whole orchard of these. Found it here.
All my love,

Thursday, September 13, 2012

The Big Life Organizer, Inspirer, and Planner!! My gift to you :)

Hello, Beloved Blogtribe ♥
I couldn't wait until tomorrow, so I am sharing now :))

I have a special gift for you :D

In the midst of organizing, inspiring, and making some planning for my own life, I decided to offer this giant 86+ page e-organizer to you!

I am so excited to share this big huge project (for me AND you!).

I am testing out a pdf hosting site, and these materials will only be available until October 12th, so download while you can :))

Also, I could only upload 5 files, so I am going to walk you through setting up your own planner right here right now :) Thankfully, I provided an example of a partially filled out organizer (mine), so it will hopefully help you through the more confusing parts (my "writing" is the purple text - no surprise :)).

If you love this planner so much and want to gift me back, please feel free to visit my homepage ( and click the "I would love to contribute" button in the sidebar :) If I get enough contributions (assuming that is positive feedback), I may buy extended time for folks to download this organizer :))

Let me give you the links (just right click and save), and then I will walk you through them.

My free Big Life Organizer Inspirer and Planner
An example of how to fill it out
The extra monthly sections
The project planner worksheets
The event planner worksheets

Okay, my plan is to print the files out double sided and put them in a 3-ring binder, with a manila envelope hole punched for receipts for the month and stuff waiting to be incorporated into the organizer.

I designed it specifically for me as a self, a home-maker, a mama, a family learning facilitator, a blog-based business owner, a part of a tribe (close friends and family), and a piece of a community. I tried to make it flexible enough to accommodate varying lifestyles, though.

I plan to use 3 big tab dividers: the first section (schedule) does not have or need a tab, the first tab is "inspiration", the second tab is "projects", and the third and final tab is "miscellaneous" or "technicalities" -- I haven't finalized a cool name for that tab yet :))

In the first section (schedule), there is
  • the cover page which is either self-explanatory, or you can reference my example (downloaded file from above) for how to fill that page out
  • a basic run-down of what our days usually look like -- I included this to kind of reference back to on days when life feels unstable and I want to ground myself in a schedule that I knows feeds my soul and nourishes my family
  • a similar weekly schedule
  • another similar monthly schedule, with a space at the bottom to include typical monthly things that don't fall on a specific day of the week in the month
  • ideas for the month gives me a place to save my brainstorming or ideas I come up with while making dinner or talking about something with my kids
  • the actual monthly calendar that you will fill out spans 2 pages and is left intentionally blank, because I have no idea what month you may start this project. The 8th column on the right is for something you do every month (like I put my blog post ideas). Also, I use a post-it note for my current to-do list and shopping list (I usually stick it over the days that have already passed). I have also taped a piece of paper to the top of the calendar in the past, so it flips up out of my way whem I need to see the whole month. I like the post-it notes, so I can just transfer them easily to the next month when needed. p.s. - I have 3 "to do" notes: "now", "soon", and "eventually".
  • future planning is so you don't end up with 50 pages of pure monthly calendars to keep track of future events. I just jot down a date and easy title and fill it into the actual calendar when the month comes. Also, you will notice there are enough months to repeat the month you are on for next year -- I like that so I can add annual events that I don't want to forget about for next year :) If there are fliers or invites that comes with something for the calendar, I stick them in my binder pocket so I can find them easily when the time comes.
  • the next page could have had a whole page dedicated to the budgeting, I know. But I wanted it short and sweet. I wanted to make sure that each area of my life got nourished in some monetary way each month. The "to do this month" is self-explanatory, as well as the meal ideas (we love to try new foods and not forget about some favored dishes :))
  • the next page (what we are learning through joyfully living) is our homeschool page to record what we are learning throughout the month in the various state-required subjects. In my example, I only do my 5-year-son, because my oldest daughter's info looks different since she is homeschooling through a charter school and they provide their own paperwork. But you can easily draw a line or more to create columns and do 1 child per section - chances are, the closer your kids are in age, the more similar their learning is going to be :)
The 2nd section (and after the first tab) is called Inspiration, and it includes:
  • a list of things that inspire me
  • my values/areas grid, which can be explained here, that spans 2 pages. I made several boxes across and down , but if you need more, feel free to print out an extra page or 2. These boxes are so small, I thought they could capture the essence of where those 2 concepts meet, but you know you can include a whole page dedicated to each box in this binder if you want :)) Check out my example to see what areas (down/rows) I included.
  • a vision board for self - a place to attach pictures, words, quotes, whatever inspires me to align with self and manifest my dreams for myself
  • a mission statement for my self. What do I want my self to be like, to aspire toward, etc. There are some incredible blog posts across the web with ideas for mission statements. A mission statement just helps me feel grounded and clear
  • stuff I want -- oh, do I love making lists of things I want. Even more, I love that they actualize once I have listed them!! There were a few things that I didn't need to include in my example from the list I made a few months ago -- yeehaw! :))
  • a vision board, mission statement, and stuff list for home, family, family learning, business, tribe, and community
  • at the end I tape a sheet of paper on 3 edges to the one in the binder, so it can serve as a pocket to hold stuff waiting to be incorporated into that section :))
The 3rd section (and after the 2nd tab) is
  • a place to keep track of the projects in the mix. If you are like me, this list will be long and often changing, so I plan to cover the page in clear contact paper and write on it with a dry-erase marker, or maybe use post-it notes again :)) I am infamous for following my flow, which often leads to not completing projects. I made this page 1-sided (the back is blank) in case you DID want to write on the page, and then you can just print a new one if needed ;))
  • project ideas for self is a list with a blank page, which you can use as a vision board for beautiful photos, or attach a paper to make an envelop to hold inspiration, or both, or something else entirely
  • the same for home, family, family learning, business, tribe, and community
  • after any area of life (above) you can include a few project planning worksheets (file downloaded above) or some event planning worksheets (also a file downloaded from above) for the ideas you are wanting to manifest -- include as many or as few as you want in each area of life. It is a great place to keep all your ideas in one organized place
The 4th (after the 3rd tab) and final section is
  • for miscellaneous information in each area of life. For example, in business, I may keep usernames and passwords or the name of a blog template I am partial to, or anything of the like
  • address and phone number book - who knows, maybe your phone drops in the jacuzzi and you wish you had recorded that info somewhere (or is that just me?)
That is all I included. Of course, there is plenty or room for personalization there -- space to add pages or documents, room to decorate with zendoodles, stickers, or watercolor borders, whatever nourishes your soul and makes you WANT to open that book and keep track of stuff :))

On the front of my binder, I am going to make a sheet (to slide between the binder and that clear protector) with lists of what to update in there daily, weekly, monthly, etc. I think this will help me to not be overwhelmed by the sheer bulk and information inside :))

I may not take the whole binder out into life. I may staple the monthly calendar together, the manila envelope, and a sheet of paper to record things to incorporate later for my daily adventures outside of home and tuck them back neatly at the end of the day.

I really hope this helps you, inspires you, makes you feel like you are living more aligned with your values and aspirations. Enjoy, my love ♥

Are you living your values? (a free tool for you!)

Hello, Beloved Blogtribe ♥

I have been thick in reorganizing my life, in planning out some redesigning of my life (wahoooo!).

And as I was revisiting my prioreties in preparation for my next steps, I designed an easy tool to thoroughly explore just how much I was living my values. As I used this tool, I realized that this was the difference between feeling aligned in my life or not. Using this tool, I could iron out the kinks and see where I still had some room for growth.

Are you ready for it?

I made a list of my values. Now you make a list :)

Mine were love, connection, nourishment, honour, beauty, creativity, fun, joy, bliss, zen, adventure, green, abundance, sacred.

Then I made a list of the areas of my life: self, home, family, business, tribe, community.

And then I created a grid, with my values across the top and the areas of my life along the side. The box where they intersected, I brainstormed a bit how that did or could flower in my life.

For example, "love" and "self" were being kind to myself and pampering myself. "connection" and "self" became meditating and listening to my inner voice.

And on and on I went, sitting with each intersection and filling out each box.

Lots of mana for journalling. A clear picture of where I was and where I was headed.

Wow, I would often find myself saying.

I saved my values/area grid, and I am putting it somewhere special, somewhere secret.

Well, secret until tomorrow. And then you will receive another gift from me :))

I love you. Enjoy,

Monday, September 10, 2012

Growing a Whole Child

Hello, Beloved Blogtribe!!

I know I have been a bit MIA recently. I have been in the thick of life, still in the thick of it, but – thankfully – also in the thick of creative mode recently :))

So, I wanted to share my newbest creARTion with you :))

Drum roll please……..

Ta da!!

Isn’t it beautiful? It is a hand/digital hybrid beauty, and I’m so dang proud :D

Now a bit about it LOL

This is a home-style learning manifesto. It is the accumulation and synthesization and offering to you of all of the research I have done on homeschooling and unschooling (including my own child development education) + stuff from my own experience of doing it for the past 5-ish years with 3 children.

It is a simple, tidy, and interesting organization of subjects and the components of each subject. It is bursting with activity and project ideas for each little bit. It is learning how to translate everyday living into those neat little subjects school boards like to see. It is bringing it all back in to grow a whole child as slowly as feels right to us intentional parents. It is understanding how children grow and learn in a way that does them justice.

I kind of grew into a big huge project, out of the idea that I could share lots of little projects with people (curriculum per grade, per child) -- I suddenly heard my inner voice say, “If I am going to do this, it is going to be an unschooling manifesto!”

And then, I decided I wanted any family learning style parent to be able to use it, regardless of philosophy. Unschoolers, school-at-homers, parents just wanting to enrich their children’s learning through family projects and activities – the whole caboodle!  I want everyone to own a copy.

The e-book is also part workbook, to give you room to grow and play with the materials.

I have been asking for suggestions for additional parts to the book on facebook, and I look forward to including that as well :)) It’s not too late to add your own questions!

So, this is the thing. I want to get this book out asap. I know, public schools are starting (or have started) all over the country, and folks want this soul-delicious info NOW :))

The set date for completion and release into the world is September 15th. Annnnnnd, I have planned to set up an affiliate program, so if you want to help me sell it, you get half the money! How cool is that, huh? :))

In this e-book, you will find:
  • a holistic view of a child and learning
  • a deep understanding of how all this learning applies to real living
  • how to tailor learning to be family oriented, compassionate, fun-filled, and sacred
  • a clear understanding of each subject and the components of each subject
  • hundreds of ideas for discussions, projects, and activities across the various subjects
  • an opportunity to create your own curriculum (EEP!)
  • a formula for converting living into the subjects required by most homeschool state laws
  • the "homeschooling organizer" I use with my kids
  • simple and loving and creative answers to some tough homeschooling mamas' questions
  • lots of workbook space throughout the book to practice and personalize what we are exploring
What you will get out of our collaboration of your children’s learning:
  • Gentleness - this is not a style often found in curriculum guides, and this e-book is designed to help you to find a teaching flow that is slow and grounded for the learner, gradually encompassing a kind understanding the world ♥
  • Peace – if you are interested in purchasing curriculum, you may be feeling a bit of unease, and our collaboration will help you find peace in your journey ♥
  • Inspiration - read through the curriculum and get your creative juices flowing, and check in with it as needed throughout the school year :))
  • Assistance - homeschooling is a full-time job, so think of me as your personal assistant :))
  • A happy + content kid – this guide is designed to be interesting to the learner and to move at a pace that he or she will feel comfortable with
I am reallllly excited to be sharing this e-book with the world. I hope the philosophies and gradual growth become a staple in homeschooling families. The book can be used for children of all ages (who couldn't use some remedial internal loving organization?), but it is mostly geared toward K-6.

I believe it meets the criteria for all state homeschooling laws, but the parent is the one ultimately responsible for knowing their state's laws and developing a curriculum that meets those requirements.

Alright, so you ready for the price?

Only $40.

Yep. I want it out into the world THAT badly :))

But it gets even better.

Okay, so this is the deal. I am offering pre-orders at half cost. So, for $20 now, you get to be some of the first to receive my gifts and soak them in and savor them and play with them :))

Maybe once you have enjoyed it, you will sign up to be an affiliate? I will be implementing the program once the e-book is released :)

And I welcome feedback :) I'd love to use the feedback for testimonials here for future full-price customers :D

Alright, that is the deal -- are you ready?


Just in case this stuff makes me sparkle even more to you, let me include my qualifications:
  • Homeschooled and unschooled during my own childhood (in addition to private and public schools across 3 different states – I have some variety in educational experiences)
  • Autodidact-driven high school diploma (gpa 3.97!)
  • BA in psychology with an emphasis in cognitive psychology (how people think and learn) and constructivism (how people construct their reality and understanding of the world)
  • Certificate in child development from the most INCREDIBLE program and a vision of how the learning philosophies can be projected into older kids
  • Homeschooled and unschooled my own 3 children (ages 13, 5, and 3) for 5 school years
  • Passionate about organization, synthesis, design, and personalization
Now, are you ready? Yeehaw! :))


Friday, July 20, 2012

Powerful Birth

Hello, Love ♥

(I made a couple minor but important changes, so I am reposting this)

Did I ever tell you that I had an unassisted/free birth with my baby? Yep! Just me and my dear friend and our babies in attendance... It was possibly the most empowering experience of my life. It impacted me so deeply that I am still feeling the ripples.

Birth is HUGE to me, and I am so grateful to find my niche in the birth advocacy arena :) After the roughly 1,000 hours of researching pregnancy and birth information during my pregnancy, I had synthesized the most pertinent information and compiled it into a "summary" for friends and family interested in my choice (only to plug it into Word and find out it was a light read of 32 pages of pure words - ouch!).

I have taken a lot of that information, added my own voice, supplemented it with gobs of delicious goodies and an artful background, broken it into 4 deeply satisfying chunks, sprinkled it with even more delicious goodies, and created for you...

Powerful Birth e-course!!

First session October 1st - October 28th
Registration ends October 1st

NOTE: This e-course has information for mamas interested in or planning an unassisted birth, but this e-course was designed for any birthing woman who is interested in going inward and making intentional choices about her pregnancy and birth. And this e-course is especially designed for wild sacred women, women who already live out-of-the-box, naturally, self-sufficiently -- and the women who want to!

The e-course includes:
  • The Wild Sacred Birth e-book (in pdf format) is a hand-meets-digital beauty masterpiece, paradigm kapow!, and soul comfort. Warning: it may make you laugh, cry, sing, do the "funky chicken", yell "YES!" into empty rooms, and have deep loving conversations with loved ones. I just know you are going to want to read it again and again as you deeply process the layers of your journey of childbirth.
  • the Explorations & Insplorations workbook (in pdf format) is like yoga for the pregnant heart - it will stretch, align, open you up, and re-energize you, through creative activity ideas and writing prompts galore.
  • the Many Sisters' Voices handbook (in pdf format) is my own collection of articles from a multitude of our birthing sisters' voices sharing one common message: Birth is incredible and powerful, and so are you.
  • 4 hefty soul-delicious chunks of Powerful Birth e-course, dolloped heavily with love, sweetness, and bright shining light. This course is designed to run over the course of 4 weeks, but I know sometimes that deep stuff takes time to really soak in and I am an unschooler to the core, so really it can be done at a self pace. It is dispersed via e-mail and is much much more than just the e-book broken up into pieces -- it is jam-packed with extra goodies, like videos, love letters, affirmations, activities, intention suggestions, and so much more <3
  • A fat e-binder (in pdf format), chocked full of info and natural remedies/ideas for things specific to pregnancy, early labor, active labor, birth, and postpartum. This is a scanned version of the binder I created for my own birth - it contains things you might want to be concerned about during the different stages, complete with color coding to let you know the risk/intervention level.
  • 1 year paid subscription to Wild Sacred Souls' Tribe -- think internet forum meets "at home" with deep loving connections between sister birth goddesses. I know how important these spaces are, especially during huge transitions like birth. I was made to create tribes, and I can't wait to share this one with you. Imagine a bloomin, thrivin, wild-woman-circlin', supportive, love-centered, ever-evolving, co-created space to connect deeply with mamas who will inspire you, love you, spot you while you stretch and expand, and wow you with their awesome.
  • Coming Soon: A beautiful hand/digital-hybrid Soulful Pregnancy Journal <3 This will be my warmbest gift of love to you: a keepsake of your pregnancy journey for your baby or babies. This is the journal I wish I had had when I was pregnant - a whole collection of the experience of pregnancy and birth. And because I really want it to be extra special to you and your child, I want to include 5 personalized pages for you. More details later :)
This e-course will inspire you to:
  • question what you thought you knew about pain and safety in childbirth
  • locate, process, and release your fears concerning pregnancy and birth
  • sink deeply into your inner knowing
  • connect deeper with other mamas, and people in general
  • embody a birth goddess vibe
  • relish your pregnancy journey
  • look forward to giving birth
  • make choices from a place of trust, rather than fear or anxiety
  • plan a sacred, well-prepared birth
  • start creating a birth legacy
  • become and be a self-trust master, and watch it grow into other areas of your life
  • possibly kiss your partner and other children more :)
So, at this point you are probably noticing I have poured my heart and soul into this course. Birthing women hold the warmest place in my heart (yes, I am the woman who stops dancing down the grocery store isle to get all teary at a big beautiful baby belly), and I want to share that deep sacred love with you at a time when I think you can't possibly soak enough of it in <3 I truly believe (and purposely designed) this package to prepare you as whole-ly as I could imagine would be useful. I know that you probably don't have the ability or time to do the research I did, but you deserve to know what I found, what I realized, what changed my birth legacy and, honestly-really-truly, what changed my entire life. I can't imagine having the depth of courage and self-knowing to revolutionize and redesign my life and my relationships, without the self-trust and empowerment that I finally knew through my own powerful birth.

Are you ready to talk price?

I'm not really feeling drawn toward dividing this whole package into parts, so I am not going to give you a breakdown of costs, but I know how valuable this information is to the world, and I have faith that you will give what you feel in your heart is right price for you based on what you have to give. So, just sit for a moment with all of the information you will receive from this package and ask yourself what is the right price for you, and when you feel good with a number, there is your answer. If you don't have the means right now to pay what you feel is right, feel free to come back and make payments when you can. Yes, this is your first exercise in "How to become a self-trust master AND birth goddess in one e-adventure" :)

So, are you ready? :)))

Once I receive your financial blessings, you will receive a confirmation love letter from me touching base with you on your personal journey and our shared work. Once I have connected with you, you will receieve the soul-inspiring course work, which is perfect for those lone wolf birth goddesses who are feeling drawn toward delving into their own solo birth quest with just the hardy materials (no Tribe dessert with e-course sprinkles) -- that is fun-talk for: you can simply take the materials to work on alone without the Tribe or the e-course-specific extra stuff.

We will be in touch :))

OMGosh, I love you,

p.s. - I am not positive I will be offering this product as a "pay with your heart" forever. So, if this changes, I will let you know (and hopefully give advance warning) :))

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Morning Motivation

Hello, My Love ♥

I'm really realllllly excited to tell you about something I want to do with you! (Can you see me doing the excited dance in my seat? :))

Okay, but first, I have a question (or more) for you...

Do mornings feel heavy for you? Do you feel like you could be gearing up your engines for the day, but for whatever reason just aren't? Would you like a boost?

Alright, here is my big huge idea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Morning Motivation is a 10-15 minute phone call from me to you every morning for 1 week (5 days)!! It would probably go something like this:
You (groggy): Hello?
Me (amped up and jumping up and down as I talk): Good beautiful morning full of possibilities!!!!!!!!!!!
You: Haha. Good morning.
Me: I am so excited about your new project that you are starting today!!! When you told me about it in your e-mail, I was like "THAT IS SO COOL!!! I am so excited to help get you all inspired every morning this week so you can make it happen!"
You: Thank you! Me, too!
Me: Yay!!!!! Let's do the happy dance together before we get started!
You: Yay! Way better than coffee!!!
Me: Yipppeeeeeeeee! (doing the cabbage patch) Oh yeah! Oh yeah!

Okay, it will maybe go something like that :D It will probably be way uncooler :))

I am really good at infecting people with my joyfulness, and I am so stankin giddy about spreading the morning joy with people!!!!!!!! Mornings are such a beautiful way to start the day! So full of infinite possibilities, like a gift you get to open for roughly 16 hours!!!! How cool is that?!

I am thinking this kind of thing would be SO perfect for someone who is implimenting something new into their life and could use a bit of remembering, clarity, inspiration to get the gears moving in that direction for the day. Like someone who is quitting smoking, starting a new healthy eating lifestyle, getting into the swing of gentle parenting or homeschooling, or just generally wanting to stay mindful of something throughout the day. I believe in you! I want to tell you every morning :))

Someone who is starting a new project might appreciate some extra enthusiasm... like a business or some crafty gift-giving, or anything that could use some extra pep for a week. Or what about finals week? Yikes! Been there, done that! Morning Motivation: possibly more tastey than green tea or energy drinks -- definitely less crash on the other end LOL Absolutely more addictive! :)))

Or what about someone who just wants to be a morning person and just can't muster the energy to be one, so wants to get into the habit of feeling full of insight and energy to start off their day. Someone who wants to start their day off with a certain intention and could really soak up my nourishing bountiful energy :) I would love to help you get used to starting off your day like that!

So, here is the thing...

Obviously, I only have so many 10-15 minute increments available in the morning :) I really really REALLY want to share this with you! I know you will love it! I know you will feel more peaceful and aligned and energized for your day, like a spiritual workout that keeps you going all day long. I want to see your family and home transform the way mine has when I started shifting my energy in the mornings.

So, hurry! Hurry and get signed up! Hurry and join me in the mornings, so we can share a virtual cuppa something delicious!

So, the cost is $50, which breaks down to about $10 a call -- pretty darn awesome! That is like 2 cups of something from Starbucks (but even better) delivered to your door! :)) Thank you for participating in sustaining my little family and enabling me to continue giving all of my heart to the world :)

Even if you aren't ready or interested in joining me for Morning Motivation, I hope this blog post gave you some ideas of how you can feel when starting off your day :) Here is another place you can find some delicious wisdom from fellow Morning Goddesses :)

I love you, I love you, I love youuuuuuuuu!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Eek! Eek! Eek! The Goddess Circle

Okay, I must share my newest most amazing adventures!!!!!!

I finally, finally joined Leonie's Goddess Circle! Eeep! I'm bursting with excitement and abundance!!! This was my Facebook status when I first joined:
Crying with happiness over here. Tears of sobbing joy (much to my teenager's teasing LOL). I finally did something I have been wanting to do for 2 years, something that I know will be transformative. I finally invested in myself. And I'm not even scared!!!! I am so finally ready, and I can't believe this is real... I joined the Goddess Circle at... [insert link to the]
Joining the Goddess Circle has kinda been a dream of mine for a while, but what made me finally jump and do it was so I could become a Business Goddess :D Yep, I'm so finally ready and serious about this. Have you noticed? lol

And I have been thinking a lot and playing a lot with what the heck I really just want to do. I mean, I want to do about a-million-five-hundred-thousand (yep, I just channeled one of the kids there LOL) things for this world and all it's living things. But what is the essence of what I want to do? Where do I want to start growing from?

Well, I think that is why I joined the business e-course LOL I have so so much in the works! And I am so excited to share this journey with youuuuuuu! ♥

Love you!
V, Wild, Soul, Zen, or Hey You :))

p.s. - just for the beauty and brightness of it, I wanted to share my intro to the Circle ♥ :D
Namaste, my fellow goddess sisters!

I literally cried when I read "Welcome to the Goddess Circle" after my payment was processed. I have been wanting to do this for years and finally just said it was time and it would work out financially.

I am positively BURSTING with joy and excitement, like a hyper puppy, to be here :)) When I calm down a bit, I am sure I will feel totally sacred zen oneness :))

A bit about me.... My mom named me Vanessa. I have gone by many names and currently resonate most with V, Wild, Soul, Zen, or Hey You :))

Me and my kids live in an RV. We had plans to travel the US but found that, although we were fine racing out of our house, we weren't ready to leave our dearest friends and comfort zone. So, we live with panormaic views and lots of company in San Diego County :))

What fills my life is the joy of my children. We haven't always lived this way, but we are pretty comfortably grounded in and grateful for our self-designed and -directed life. A couple short-cut terms are unschooling (radical unschooling for us), whole-life/natural learning/living [--wish I had also mentioned consensual living]. Basically, I respect my children's autonomy and personal development, and just live a joyful and fun life and trust that they are learning everything they need. Living in an RV provides simplicity and flow and movement and connection and self-sufficieny that we are thriving on right now. Some days are utter chaos (gripping the handlebars of life, yelling WHEEEEEEEE, and appologizing all over the place for wheeling over people's toes), most are zen, all are beautiful joyful adventures. People often ask how I do it all -- I don't. I prioretize and only do what I love to do :)

I think I am the Goddess of Love. Love is truly my religion -- I practice it and extend it to envelope every interaction I have in my life. I just love, and when I'm not sure, I ask myself "What would love do?" Also, I picked love, because it kinda umbrellas over the other stuff I want to be a goddess of LOL Like emotional midwifery for people who want to live more freely, like supporting mamas in every phase of mamahood (conception, pregnancy, birth, babies, toddlers, all the way up!), like nourishing the world one hug at a time :)

What I am hoping to get from the Goddess Circle is tribeness, connection, inspiration, my own emotional midwifery so that I can live more free, too :) All the delicious goodies that come from joining a sacred circle of radiant women :)))