Saturday, October 16, 2010

Clarity, Needs, and Being Ready

In the past few days, I have trudged through some muck, and I have gotten very clear on a few things that I am so grateful for. Firstly, I am ready to live in an RV and travel wherever our wheels will take us, and I'm not afraid of the transition involved -- I know it will be perfect for us, however it unfolds. I have also learned very clearly what Law of Attraction teaches, about your life being a match to your inner vibration: when I'm clear on something, my life is clearly about that thing, and when I'm fuzzy events happen to match that, too -- a vibrational match, I get it! And lastly, I finally "clicked" on understanding what it means to "translate needs" from a situation (ah ha!) -- it clicked when My friend did it for me about some issues I was having in my life, and she said, "It sounds like you are feeling the need for a positive environment", and I said, "Yessssssssss!"

So, now that I am in tune with my needs, know what I want, and am ready for my life to be as crystal clear as I want to be on it, I wanted to put this out there, to my friends and fans (and future hostesses lol), to the universe, and to myself... I am ready for some real help in my life and to travel the US and beyond in my live-in RV. I'll be waiting. P.S. - thank you for being so abundant and full of creative options to make our dreams a reality.

Did you catch the bit about help? I've been exploring that, too. My fear of asking for and getting help or being denied (which I'm actually less afraid of, interestingly). I've been in denial or in flux about it, so my life has been a vibrational match. I've just decided that I really do need help in the day-to-day, and I'll be waiting to see how that manifests in my life -- I'm excited about seeing how it ends up working out, who it will be, etc.

I have been so stuck on the "how's" and worried I'd get "it" in a form that I don't like (like a crummy RV that we don't want to live in, or another romantic relationship), but I forgot that, first of all, I don't need to know the how's; I just need to be clear on what I want and feel it coming to me and it will happen, and it will be in a useful form (or there'd be no point, as in, that wouldn't be "it" then). Sooooo..... I feel clear and excited about my future, like someone is making me a cake that I will love but I'm waiting to see what flavor it is and what it looks like :)) In the meantime, I am very content where I am, knowing I am here because I am meant to be, for the time being, and I am happy to be here and planning and preparing to be elsewhere :))


mb said...

awesome, mama! :)

Blatantly Brazen and Judgmental said...

I like what you wrote. I feel somehow attracted to your current vibe, to be honest. And although I am in a completely different life situation (seemingly) I am waiting for things to manifest in my life, too. Hope to see you soon in the park.