Monday, April 11, 2011

Natural Energy Conservation

I have been thinking a lot on this topic, especially since I have been turning and twisting the details of roadliving around in my head and on paper these days. The following list is actually from about a year ago, and it is interesting to see what we have embedded in our lives and what room there still is for internalization and new habits.

Although, I want to find alternative forms of energy or harness natural energy, I also want to use less energy. I want to pay less, AND I want to consume less in general. What it comes down to is, I want to feel more free from needing so much, and I want to be more kind to the earth. Here are some ideas I had:
  • unplug our fridge and use a cooler and bike up to the grocery store a couple times a week so we have less food to worry about
  • hang a clothesline instead of using the drier
  • handwash some stuff in the sink, so we can use our washing machine less
  • go to bed early and wake up early, maximizing sunshine and minimizing light usage
  • light rooms with candles
  • share space so less lights on around the house
  • tv on less
  • turn my laptop off when not using it (didn't realize how much power it required while in sleep-mode)
  • unplug stuff that's not on
  • find stuff to do in the dark or without lights (like with candles or do shadow puppets)
  • charge some things elsewhere (library for laptop, etc)
  • unscrew some light bulbs (rather than 3 bulbs on in the bathroom, maybe only 1 or 2)
  • buy/use energy-efficient light bulbs
  • eat more raw foods and/or foods that don't need to be heated or cooled to eat
I also thought about a generator and solar panels, but would need to do more research on that and pay out of pocket. Whatever we do, it has to be not permanent, because we rent, and we want to take it when we move, especially if our next home is on wheels :))


mb said...

great list mama. i am most definitely of the mindset that we need to go at this stuff from both angles- yes using natural energy sources is great, but reducing your need for electricity is key in really getting sustainable. :)

Ahava & Amara Life Foundation said...

This is a good list, great ideas. Some I never even thought of before. Thanks for reminding me. :)

Nikki Starcat Shields said...

I just hung out clothes today, for the first time this Spring. Not only does it save energy, but they smell SO good!