Sunday, May 15, 2011

Okay, Dreads; Trade-offs; & a Soul Journey

I loooooooove dreads. Ja's dreads were, I am shameless to admit, one of the biggest reasons I initially gave him the time of day (or night, as it were). Noble's dreads are one of my top 10 favorite things in the whole world. I've considered dreads for myself, but keep finding that I love my wild curls even better.

I always imagined having my dread-head son and my curly girly, and it seemed meant to be, as her curls are bigger and silky soft. One problem: she hates getting her hair brushed. She yells "No!" and runs down the hall and out of the house if I even try. It's a bit easier in the shower, when I can soak her hair in conditioner while I comb/brush, easy distract her, move slowly and mindfully, and do a lot of "emotional damage control" in a small confined space.

Well, it's been over a week since we brushed her hair, with everyone being sick. And today I realized that I understood why my stepmom just chopped all of our (her own, my older sister who is half Black, and myself) curls off to about an inch or 2 long. This is so much work, and it's losing it's meaning for all of us. As I brushed and imagined life in an RV, I released my attachments and submitted to "Okay, dreads." WHOOSH! Sudden alignment.

This is going to be a win-win all over the place! She won't have to get her hair brushed, the upkeep is minimal and requires a lot less stuff in the RV, less water it will need (which is a big deal in an RV that plans to live unplugged), and an added bonus -- it will be fun to see it grow long instead of out :))) Not that I don't love me an afro (have you seen my hair?).

Speaking of, I have decided now is the time to start using baking soda and apple cider vinegar for my hair instead of shampoo and conditioner. If I start now, it will give me about 2 1/2 months for my hair to adjust and transition, so it will be easy when we are on the road :)) Also, I am open to a dread/curls combo for my hair. We shall see with time :)))

A trade off..... I've enjoyed looking at ways to trade-off stuff/space with experiences. I mean, that's kind of the main goal of this adventure in the first place. I was thinking of leaving my foot care stuff and getting a pedicure with Kass once a month-ish! I'm hoping it will be some great me & Kass time. It will mean less stuff in the RV, which is always nice. And mostly, we and our feet deserve the pampering - the scrubbing, the detail work, the massage. Oh, the massage *melt* That got me to thinking what a wonderful benefit regular massage and chiropractic alignment would be for Kass and I as we realign our bodies and lives with healthiness and slow intentional living. Another way to align our life :)))

Speaking of healing, soul journey..... I kept thinking this was going to be a spiritual journey, but I am realizing this is going to be much more of a soul journey, tempered with a bit of spiritualness :)) I have known all along that this was going to be a journey of self and that it would require solitude, maybe in large doses. I thought I could find that "self" in snippets during days and in between visits. I thought I could eek by for the first couple visits and nab it in a larger quantity later in the journey, so we could hurry and get on the road and get out of familiar territory and not miss anyone during our far-shot trajectory.

At this point in my preparation for finding a deeper level of self and connecting with beloveds, it is becoming more and more clear to me that we need to take some serious time to ourselves before we descend upon anyone :))

We need time to detox from this "junk food" life, we need to adjust to being unplugged, and we need to do some healing and connection with ourselves and each other before we can really do a visit with you justice. Right now, I'm a little insecure about visits. I'm insecure about some bits of myself that are out of alignment or underdeveloped, and I'm insecure about my wild bunch. Not to say that you wouldn't love us in our imperfections or be fine with our wildness, but I don't want to compound those insecurities with the anxiety I would feel if I was insecure. I want to feel confident and comfortable, and I want to feel like we are healthy and well-adjusted. We all have some healing and adjusting to do before we start connecting with our tribe ♥

This is what I currently think the first couple steps of our journey will look like:

I think our first stop will be a reasonably-priced campground with gorgeous, natural, and quiet grounds to do the initial detox and adjustment, to work out the kinks close to familiarity. The plan is to have no Internet, extreme minimal technology, maybe no phone even, to spend about a month or two indulging in nature, immersing ourselves in the simplest family living, and some serious alignment. I am saying a month or two, but I really have no idea how long it will take to feel ready -- could be much less, could be even longer?

Once we are all ready to move on and get out on the road, our road freedom will begin. I have clue where we will start heading, because it will depend on the season, our budget, our priorities, and our newfound internal compass' direction.

There is a certain internal nourishment that comes with making all these plans. It's as if realizing what we need most kinda heals that part inside us, so we are open to the next priority in our journey. It started with wanting to take life one step at a time, then wanting to race around and see everyone, then it was about spending depth with each person, and now it is finding our inner alignment first. It's exciting to see what may come up next! I hope you don't mind being strung along on this internal journey <3 What I do know is that when we pull up to your house, we will all be better for it :)))

1 comment:

Dazee said...

My hair is also very curly and last September I decided to stop combing it and let it dread on its own and its a perfect combo of dreads and curls I like it a lot and my husband finds it attractive so its win win. I also use ACV & baking soda and find it much easier.