Hello, Darling :)
It is so delicious to be waking up with you this morning, and I can't wait to share with you what has been whispering to me recently. I really want to hear from you if this is something you want to come be a part of...
I don't know how long we have known each other.
Fourscore and 7 or 8 years ago, I had a page on MySpace where I played with HTML, gathered friends close, shouted out my radical soulidarity style activism, and shared the details of my growing interracial relationship and the pregnancy of my son. I was dubbed Radical Mama there, and am still dear friends with a few folks from those days :)
But after I had my son, I felt very drawn toward wanting to connect with other mamas very deeply about parenting.
What happened next transformed me into the mama and the woman you see me as today.
I joined a popular mothering site that was very mainstream, and I found a few alternative groups that really appealed to me. They helped me find words and spaces where I fit, like attachment parenting and crunchy mamas. With the words, the titles, the vocabulary, I was able to delve deeper into ways of being that resonated so deeply with me.
I wanted to be deeply involved with the many spaces that reflected me and helped me to grow through connecting with like mamas, but it was so hard. I wanted one space where I could gather diverse mamas with one common heart, and so I created my own niche.
I opened up a group and howled my metaphorical howl (the group description) to call my pack to me.
And they came.
And it was tear-sheddingly beautiful.
I had started a group called the Radical Mamas Group, but how it was co-created by every member, and the depths that we shared and loved, and the ways we stretched and grew deeper into our shared truths made us a tribe.
Before long, we were the Radical Mamas' Tribe.
Each of us were radical in our own ways - whether it was how sustainably we walked on the earth, how connectedly we parented our children, how woman-empoweredly we birthed them and climbed the mountains of our own journey and lived... We were all radical mamas aspiring to be even more radical, and we were a Tribe doing it ♥
It was the first time I felt the true deep connection of sisterhood. We were a giant group hug. Some of us needed support through trying times or circumstances, some needed information, some validation, some just connection with kindred mamas. Sometimes we came to be hugged, and sometimes we came to hug our sisters.
How I was stretched and grew completely revolutionized my life and transformed me as a parent and woman and a person.
This was the space where I first heard the words and callings toward unschooling, consensual living, unassisted birth, elimination communication, red tents, living completely off the grid, tribal living, and all the subtle pieces that seamlessly weaved themselves into my tapestry...
Each of us were both teachers and seekers, because of the vast topics we covered, like in a whole real life community.
Not only did I hear and learn about these things, but I had training wheels right there. Mama who were on various parts of their own journeys, who could hold my hand, love me, and guide me toward the resources that I could use to grow my own personal journey.
But this was so much more than learning information and growing as an individual. I wish words could capture and express the depths of the sisterhood, how we grew in ways of communication with each other, how we opened our hearts so wide and deep for each other in true and perfect trust and real love.
The way new members would come and read a few posts and get the vibe, the style of communication, the richness of our relationships, the way of the Tribe.
In the depths of our connection, we wanted to start a real life community, buy some land, start our own commune. We wanted more. It is why I still burn for a tribe, I still grow in ways that bring me closer to starting my own intentional community, I bring people in oh-so close and interact with them as if we were living a love letter of sisterhood.
It is why I can't wait to travel and meet these mamas who are my Tribe ♥
I grew so much.
I grew rapidly for the 3 years while in the Tribe, and I have grown through the process of leaving it and the 3 years of healing that has happened since. So many things I have learned about how I would do things differently. So many times I tried to recreate the Tribe without success.
And then it clicked.. I wasn't supposed to recreate the Tribe. I was supposed to create something new.
I just haven't been ready.
And then... it has started to creep up on me. A whisper here or there, an ache for sharing something with a deeply involved group, a calling toward being a purple shaman in close virtual quarters, a longing for a mentor in the capacity that a Tribe provides.
I woke up this morning with an idea for a forum: Loving Ourselves, where we could share our journeys, our challenges, our ways of being, our cup filling, our... anything. I would love to take that journey with you.
Is this a journey you are interested in taking with me and folks like us?
I haven't worked out the details completely, but it would probably be about $10 a month and be for wild sacred men and women, with private spaces for both.
I was made for creating these spaces. I draw the most incredible people to me. I would love to gather them all together in a space where we can commune, grow, talk, listen, feel, be.
Are you up for it?
Please let me know. If the comments section is acting funny, feel free to email me or contact me on facebook, k?
I love you. I love you. I love yooooooouuuuuu,
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