I'm so excited to heart cuddle with you right now :))
Valentine's Day was super magical for me!!!!!!!
Oh, I hold it in my heart that it was for you, too ♥
Before I dive into incredible Day 5, I want to share something with you....
This 7 Days of Love has been super special and dear to me.
Love is my thing, and this has been a fun and thoughtful way to show it.
There is a sacred space that these days of love have grown from, and I would love to share a bit about that space with you. It's still a young space inside of me. Although, I believe love has been a salient life theme of mine, this type of love is still new and vulnerable.
I read something recently that went something like, "When someone is sad, hug them. Not to fix it or make it better, but because it is the most loving thing to do."
Just because it is loving.
Take a moment to soak that in if you need to. I could soak it in for days, maybe longer.
Just love, to be loving.
Mmmmm, yes.
It fits perfectly with my greatest lesson from a book I read last winter, to love just for the sake of love.
I used to love with a purpose - usually, that was to heal, or to get love back.
I used to love in a way that felt suspiciously like a heirarchy - I didn't want to, but I felt *better* because I was the one giving.
Even though this flavor slightly tainted my love, I have always had a magic love gift, and it has always felt so beautiful to give love in the most soul-aligned way I knew how, so now it feels like tingly love magic.
The kind that I feel from the depths of my soul to the tips of my toes.
These Days of Love have grown from that space of simply giving love in big ways, just for the sake of love, because I am a loving being.
The reason I say "big ways" is because I have been stepping outside of my little comfort area and giving love to new people, in large quantities, in situations that I used to be afraid of, in ways that feel aligned with my inner simple love + deeply connected ways.
This has been a huge experience.
I feel braver.
I feel like maybe this is a piece of my message to the world.
I feel like I want to yell how incredible this is from rooftops.
I want to tell everyone how easy it is to step outside and show love, what a huge impact a little act has.
I want to rally my love ninjas and find ways to do this year-round in greater quantities.
What if every day was as filled with love as Valentines Day?
Maybe this is my message? Or part of it...
Day 5...
So, you know how we were making valentines with kids on Day 4?
Well, I kinda made some really simply sweet handmade valentines (I didn't count but easily over 100 of them), about a dozen different kinds, all with the same message, "You are loved ♥", and me and my baby passed them out into our community all day long.
We went to our local food pantry, and I started passing the valentines out. Jaja was so smitten with the experience, she started wanting to hand them out. She gave them to everyone. She even gave away the ones I wasn't ready to pass out LOL
It was delightful.
I want to recreate the "handing out" for you:
We see the person we want to give our love to next, we light up and walk toward them, we hand them the valentine and say "We wanted to wish you a Happy Valentines Day" with sooo much love in our hearts and voice, sometimes we hug, sometimes we talk, but always we wait a moment, connecting with the person with eye contact and heart contact, sending them bursts of love and just being in that space of gratitude and love and joy with them, and when they show they are complete, we acknowledge that and step back and look for our next love target.
Over 100 times we had the honor of sharing that space with a new person.
It left me whirling in delight afterwards. Literally. I was laughing hysterically and crying at the same time, as we started to leave our second destination, and this song came on the radio.
I can't find the words to express how incredibly magical it was.
It was magical for us to see people light up, to feel their delightful surprise and their gratitude, for people to say with so much love that that was their first valentine or would be their only.
It was magical to hear people talk about it after we had left - trails of, "We need more of that in our world" and "Wasn't that so sweet?"
It was magical when it got back to us that some of the beautiful beloved people we shared with were telling people about what we were doing, and our friends got to say, "Hey! That was my friend and her daughter!"
I'm totally in tears right now, writing this.
I feel so humble.
I am so grateful to be in my life where I am right now.
Unconditional love. Joyful, beautiful, real, true, exhilarating love.
I'm still learning.
It's a practice with my children.
It's a practice with friends and loved ones.
Yesterday, it was a being. It was loving just for the sake of loving.
Can you feel it?

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