Monday, October 14, 2013

~rainbow mondays~ Suezanne's house

Hello, Loves ♥

I'm doing it.

I finally found the perfect weekly ritual for my blog, that both honors our gypsy lifestyle and provides opportunities for keepsake journey photos.

~rainbow mondays~ was started by my beloved MB as a way to start the week off with a splash of color.

Our gypsy twist is to share photographs from where we find ourselves on Mondays.

So, today, we find ourselves at our darling Suezanne's house, in Grapevine, Texas (near Dallas).

And these are some special color symbols from our visit ♥

Black & White: that gorgeous couple (Suezanne's oldest daughter, Julian, who we adore, and her fiance)

Blue: that china we drink delicious exotic teas from daily

 Green: that cozy seat I love to work from
Yellow: that awesome owl art on the fence outside the window :)
Orange: that pumpkin she picked for its funky stem
Red: that delicious food she is always making me ♥
Pink: that art all over the walls
Purple: those sandals on that gorgeous hippy mama 
 an opportunity to share some color from our week of travel and connection
inspired by our beloved mb

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