Saturday, November 9, 2013

~rainbow mondays~ Kirby Creek Park

Hello, again, Darling ♥

So, as I consulted my calendar, I realized that I had missed a week of rainbow mondays, so this is our make up, from Kirby Creek Park the last week of October.

Purple: that face
Blue: for more silliness than this mama can handle sometimes :)))
Yellow: for that tiny flower Noble found when we were looking for something yellow

Orange: for our sweet spot (in this park, and in our life - these are my Gypsy Om)

White: for wishes 
Blue: for that crabwalk he has been perfecting

Purple: for cartwheels
Purple: for dancing
(since purple is my favorite color, I can do it 3 times in this post, right? I'm an unschooler - I am here to break rules lol)
Golden: for that boy I can't get enough of
Sunset: for poi
Pink + Green: for love

 an opportunity to share some color from our week of travel and connection
inspired by our beloved mb

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