Monday, December 30, 2013

a new year

Freshness and newness are in the air, aren't they?

My Facebook newsfeed is full of statuses that go something like, "Loved you 2013, but I'm so ready for this new year, 2014!!!"

I, too, have been feeling it's draw and allure.

Last year, I was so geared up for a FANTASTIC 2013. And it was.

I predicted some pretty incredible stuff, and a lot of the fantastic stuff was unexpected.

2012 had been a hard year for me. It was exhausting figuring out our nomad flow and then recovering from the exhaustion. But it was just the rest I needed to be ready to create magic in 2013.

I started my internal journey toward 2013 with a reprocessing and sacred release of 2012.

I have been doing that process again this year. Wow. It is an incredible experience, to reflect, to find and show gratitude, to release, to be ready for what comes next.

And then, last year, as a part of my release and prepare ritual, I created this.

Oh, I so needed this. My beloved planner was chocked full of everything I could foresee that I would need to organize, inspire, and plan out 2013. It was an incredible process, and I used it a surprising-to-me amount of this year.

And I learned how I want to try it differently this year.

Last year, I filled it with inspiration, what lit me up and reminded me of my purpose and who I wanted to show up in the world as. Pages and pages of lists and reminders, in language smooth and sweet as a love letter. I wanted to keep it all close, within easy reach.

And I used it. I used it in my morning intention time, and I used it when life felt hard and I needed guidance and succulent reminders. It was my sacred scripture. I am so incredibly grateful that I did that.

This year, I don't need as much inspiration. 2013's life really nourished, fulfilled, and transformed me, and I find myself generally a more aligned, vibrationally uplifted being. So, the few things that I feel confident will help me during my times of unalignment or need of inspiration are embedded on the inside cover of my planner for this year.

Also, I learned something about that inspiration. The magic of just looking at it and being present with it's list wore off after a few months, so this year, I am trying something new. I have created space in my planner to rewrite the bits that I want to keep fresh, every month, every day, or however often I need.

Another part to my planners was the intentions. Last year, I created intentions for the whole year, a list of 100+ things I wanted to do in the year, a word for the whole year, a card reading for the whole year.

I love the concept of all of that and it was really fun to ride that roller coaster all the way to the top, but I didn't end up feeling aligned with all of it after just a couple months.

This year, I am staying a little closer to home. Smaller increments. I am going to try seasonal intentions and a word for the season, so I can have a nice chunk of time to practice, so my intentions and growth can evolve as life unfolds throughout the year, and because I feel that when I am drawn toward cleaning and shifting and realignment, it is when the earth does her shifting into the new season, too.

If seasonal feels too far apart, I plan to try moon cycle intervals. In fact, a moon ritual of intentions, card reading, and planning is already a part of what this new year has in store for me, so that might fit nicely.

My motto for this year is "do less, enjoy more". Instead of 100+ things to do this year, I think I have like 20. The things I want to invite into my life this year are aspects I have been holding in my heart for a long time and habits that feed my soul + enable me to show up in the ways I want to show up.

I am going for quality over quantity this year, and I am leaving plenty of space for the authentic growth that I know happens over the course of a whole year.

I plan to share more about this process and my new planner in blog posts throughout the week. I also plan to gather ideas for putting together your own magic planner for the year.

My baby is sick, and life is calling, so I have to do all of this in spurts.

I love you,

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