As I am purging my life (and specifically my internet life), I have been playing with a thought that basically comes down to this: how much is too much?
When I'm filing away emails or bits of info for later, because I don't have time right now to process it, it feels like too much for me.
When it takes longer to update myself on my internet life than it does to nurse my babies in the morning, it is too much for me.
When I am losing out on sleep because I am up late reading on the internet (to keep up-to-date, not those awesome inspiration-driven rabbit holes we sometimes find ourselves in), it feels like too much for me.
When I am a part of groups or projects that I don't have time to grow (or the growing of them takes away from my basic prioreties), it feels like too much for me.
I posted something before called Space is Grace, and it has been surfacing for me recently. I want to have a nice open relationship with space. Feng shui is very important for me. And I am talking about space in the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual areas.
In my home, space looks like less furniture, less stuff, less things on walls.
Mentally, space looks like nothing to read or do while I am laying my babies down to nurse and help them sleep.
Emotionally, space means taking the time (having the time) to notice something inside is amiss and taking (having) the time to just sit with it, to feel, to explore.
Spiritual space, for me, means not having all the answers, and having plenty of room to dance to the music I am listening to at the moment.
Mmmmm, space. Delicious.
word up, mama. :) i'm not surprised to be on the same wavelength yet again lol.
It's how we roll :))
I have been feeling the same way. It is especially hard for me because of the Amblyopia and processing information issues I have. I love how you write and I would love to just sit and read your blogs all day, LOL !! I usually get little 5 minute bits and pieces here and there.
That's why we need to just share a backyard, so there would be no reading involved :)))
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