A journey I took with some friends back in November that started out as love letters:
I've been reading my old journals for the past couple days (2002-2003), and I have read some pretty interesting stuff!! Lol Right now, I am reading a love letter to an old boyfriend (a conversation I wanted to have, so I wrote it all out to process it), and I was thinking I want to write myself a love letter! So I wanted to post one and see how beautiful it would be to read all of your love letters to yourselves, too :))))))) Unfortunately, my time limit today will not allow me to do this right now, but mine would start something like, "Dear Me, You have brought so many wonderful things into my life, and I am grateful for every moment. I have learned so much about myself. You have raised my standards from the chumps I had wasted my time with and re-established my hope that there are truly good people in the world, and that what I have been looking for my whole life is possible, that it is within me." That was actually the beginning of the love letter to a guy, edited where applicable :)) How fun to read what I wrote to someone else, knowing it was really a reflection of me, and flipping it in such a way :)) Then I started thunking about other things I have told men in the past... All a reflection of me :) Oh, this is going to be some fun exercises :))
An excerpt of a reply from my friend, Amy:
So with your comments about the love letters, ("knowing it was really a reflection of me" and "things I have told men in the past....all a reflection of me"), I am wondering if you are thinking along the lines of love, especially "being in love" and "falling in love," not being about loving/knowing/seeing the other person for who he or she is? But responding to the projection (onto another person) of things desired that are present but not yet developed or actualized in our own personalities? Unmanifest (undeveloped and maybe ready to unfold) qualities or aspects we desire to make a part of ourselves, and see in the beloved (and, when "falling in love" is mutual, it's happening for them with us.) Just wondering if this is what you're actually assuming, the whole projection thing of Eros, or if your talk of reflection is something else.
I agreed whole-heartedly :)
And then a quote...
A belief that the behavior of others must be controlled—so that your observation of that good behavior will make you feel good—leaves you feeling vulnerable to their behavior.
We would like to help you to understand that neither the good feeling you find when you observe wanted behavior, nor the bad feeling you find when you observe unwanted behavior, is actually the reason that you feel good or bad. The way you feel is only ever about your alignment, or misalignment, with the Source within you. It is only your relationship with the Source within you (with your own Inner Being) that is the reason for the emotions that you feel.
While it is nice to find things in your physical environment that enhance your good-feeling alignment with your Inner Being, your understanding of why you feel good will make it possible for you to feel good regardless of the behavior of others.
Understanding that the way you feel is really about your Vibrational relationship with your Inner Being—with the Source within you, with the expanded version of you who resides inside your Vortex—gives you complete empowerment and absolute freedom.
--- Abraham
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