I am a strong believer of the Law of Attraction, and it is interesting to me how it fits with a psychology term, called "self-fulfilling prophecy". Law of Attraction states that we attract into our lives what we focus our attention on. Self-fulfilling prophecy is when someone makes happen what they believe is going to happen. How we understand self-fulfilling prophecy to work helps me to understand how we impact how Law of Attraction works. For example, if we meet someone and believe that they don't like us, then we act in such a way (often subtle things we don't even notice) that makes a person not like us. Similarly, if we believe that the universe will take care of us financially, we will act in such a way (often in subtle ways) that bring that into our life.
I very much have faith in the Law of Attraction. This has been applied to parenting, called Attraction Parenting: that which we focus on happens or continues to be. What am I going to focus on? How does my story about things impact how my life continue to impact it?
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