~Tangled Macrame on Hoop City (You can check out her blog at tangledmacrame.blogspot.com)
I just discovered a new passion. Life is so abundant with opportunities for life and love and passion! :) My newest passion is hooping. Various things have accumulated to bring me here. A fellow unschooler's blog, explaining how to make one's own hula hoops, another one's blog about a "hoop jam" within walking distance of their home, pictures of hooping like ones below, remembering that I hold the family record for hula hooping on our Wii (haha!) and that I loved it as a kid. Rediscovering childhood passions ROCKS! I plan to make a bunch of hoops (crafty mama, checking in) and then I am going to host a hoop jam in our little housing community (because we have a park that I can walk to). If I make hoops of various sizes and colors and whatnot, we are sure to attract passersby, at least :D
I will keep you all posted :)
In the meantime, check out this article. It is entitled, "Hooping IS Motherhood".

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