So, Noble turned 3 in March, and the "why?"s have already begun :)) It
can be exhausting, but it is so exciting!!!! I keep having flashes of
this funny skit by Kat Williams, where he is talking about how his son
is asking him question after question, until Kat Williams starts
crying. Upon inquiry from his son, Kat Williams says, "Cuz Daddy don't
know sh*t!" lol. These questions certainly help me realize what I may
or may not know :)) I love having these interesting conversations with
my son -- talk about processes in freedom!! Why IS this or that a
certain way??? Why can't an octopus talk, but they talk in books and
on movies? Lots to think about -- layers of interesting food for
thought :)
I have to say, though, that my favorite part about this stage with my
son is that I love that he is asking questions, and I want to keep
intact him questioning about life. I seem to remember, with Kassidy
(my oldest) focusing on answering things for her and sometimes asking
her why she thought "...". Albeit kind and loving, my goal was to
complete her questions and her questioning phase. With Noble, I don't
ever want it to stop!!! Well, maybe he can progressively ask himself
more often, than just me -- lol. Kass has been gone at ren fair all
weekend, so she hasn't experienced this yet. I wonder how she will
like his insatiable new interest in the world around him :)). I wonder
how her lack of patience may impact him on his path... Learning is so
exciting to me. The more I watch my children unfolding while we are on
this unschooling journey, the more exciting it is. Unschooling rocks!
It is so obvious and apparent to me, how can anyone question it's
validity? That is so foreign to me now!!! All I see is learning and
living. Life is such good stuff.
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