Saturday, January 18, 2014

this new life

Hey, Beloved ♥

I'm still working on the moon intentions post, but  first, I just have to share how incredibly excited I am for this new chapter of our life.

It's been growing, and this morning it is bursting!

I remember living in our last little house and dreaming wildly about all of the incredible details of living on the road.

We got to live those.

I say that with so much gratitude and so much fullness in my heart.

And since we can't live on the road now, I am dreaming wildly of living in a little home-not-on-wheels again :)

For more of this hOMe eye-candy, come check out my Pinterest board
I'm excited about living in a house, in our own little house, or apartment. Some funky little spot that's gonna be just perfect for us.

I'm excited about things like my oldest having her own room and enabling her to get to decorate it (!!), and my little ones having a playroom filled with toys. I'm excited about finding furniture and filling our new home with things from the funky little thrift shops and yard sales of the sweet little beachy community we are heading to.

I'm excited about having a bookshelf again and filling it with a library of books about our favorite things, and baskets (!!!) overflowing with arts and crafting supplies again.

I'm excited about having plants all over my house and flowers outside.

I'm excited to have a kitchen where I can brew our own kombucha (I am currently growing our own scoby and gathering supplies to start our first batch this next week!!), and I can live and grow my family in a way that is more even aligned with my green-sustainable values, ways that we weren't able to do in the van.

I look forward to cooking and baking, to finding ways to nourish my whole family in our new food journey.

I look forward to easy daily rhythms of doing dishes and laundry and mopping floors.

Words cannot describe how excited I am to sew at will again. OH.MY.GOSH.

And garden and compost. Maybe backyard chickens.

I have been tucking all of my homestead favorites away in a hope chest in my heart, and now I get to unpack it. And I will have a big giant space in life to grow it all into!

And I will be close enough to visit my mommy and her goats and little farm every week. And we will be here when she is overloaded with goat babies in a couple months! OH.MY.CUTENESS.

I am excited about finding a T1 (type 1 diabetes) tribe in the beautiful little community we will be in. This community is my people - artsy, spiritual, beachy, hippies who have always melted me at parks and the library with the way they interact with their children ♥ A community of people who eat like we do and love like we do and share our values. This community healed me once before, and I look forward to it nourishing me while I start growing this new chapter of our new life.

I am excited about staying in this one community for longer than a few weeks, about knowing our way around to all the places and things that light us up - farmers markets, parks, the library, a sacred beach, women's circles, unschoolers.

I look forward to our beloveds coming to visit from all over the country. Come see us! Come stay with us now ♥

I'm excited about finding our way to still travel. Day trips. Long road trips. This gypsy spirit is not done, and we don't need to be. When we are ready, we will find a way to hit that road again.

And until we are ready, we have a whole life buffet before us in our new home, continuing to grow and live in the ways that nourish our hearts, our souls, our bodies. Ways that are authentic and intentional.

What an incredible, beautiful opportunity to get to live another part of our life that we love so much, too. A beautiful mash-up of gypsy and homestead.

Oh, I can't wait!!

Will you take that journey with me? ♥

Thursday, January 16, 2014


Hello, Loves ♥

I hope this beautiful post full moon finds you savoring your bliss ♥

Full moons are powerful for me, and last night's was no different.

I connected with her, asking for guidance, remembering that this year I wanted to make monthly intentions on the full moons.

And I was told to release.

I was holding on to so much. This new life has been a big adjustment, and I have been holding onto grief and sadness and longing. Last night was time to release it, so I sobbed in the shower ♥

And I was told this month was time to deeply visit self care.

I knew I was depleting myself, and I knew that I wasn't connecting to my source in the morning to recharge, and I knew anxiety was shifting me away from the habits that nourish me and cultivate flow in my life.

So, I am dedicating this next moon cycle to exploring and practicing deeply nourishing self care.

I started today with:

And all day I listed the ways I take care of and love myself. It's a beautiful list ♥

I am sharing it on my Gypsy Om Facebook page, currently. But I am thinking about gathering beloveds and creating some sacred e-course space for this work.

This is work I am going to do in my life, and I would love the opportunity to share it with beloveds who are feeling a draw toward more self-care, too.

I plan to draw up a page with the details tomorrow. Part of my self care right now is easing into big projects. If you are interested in connecting with me in this sacred work, please stay tuned ♥

All my love,

Saturday, January 11, 2014

A New Story

There is this big incredible story unfolding in my life. A story about a new way of living healthy, a story of living our values even when we are being challenged in new ways, a story of growing our life in new and exciting ways.

There is also another story. One I really need to tell.

This is the very raw story of a mama whose 4-year-old daughter just got diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes, after ending up in the ER in DKA (what happens right before a diabetic coma).

I feel the need to share this. I want to share with the people who love us, the depths of what I am experiencing right now, and I hope that our story will somehow be retold or remembered, to help other mamas going through all of this.

Before a week ago, I never would have known how serious Type 1 Diabetes (T1, from here out) was or what a mama and a family went through.

I know there will be parts that are different, but it's all the same story - overwhelm, love, light, fear exploding everywhere, questioning ones values, trying to learn a whole new way of living in a way that doesn't kill your child or mess up your other ones.

But it started in a hospital.

As I watched my baby get hooked up to machines and tubes. As I had to help hold her down while they stuck needles in her arm and she screamed for them to stop, that it hurt. A baby who was barely conscious. And then to watch her lay on a bed, a completely different version of herself. No light, no pizzazz, no sparkle, just sunken eyes that rolled back in her head, a skinny body where there once was chunkiness and mooshiness. Laying in a huge foreign bed. My little baby.

The doctor said diabetes. No way, I said. How could that be possible? She is only 4. It can't be that.

It is.

Blood sugar (usually around 90) now 882.

I am blown away. All these moments from the recent past coming up, like a video montage, times I had heard the word or mentioned how much water she was drinking or how often she had to pee. Maybe it was the soda I gave her because I thought she had a flu. Maybe it was the Christmas candy. What could I have done to prevent this? What was this going to mean for our life?

And then she gets transferred to a hospital we hear has a great pediatric unit. No wifi. No way to connect with my outside support. All just me. It has to come from within, and I don't know where to drawn from.

New hospital. Nurses and doctors making choices without my ability to even help. All I can do is sit there and watch them do things to my baby's body that I would never do to her or wish upon my worst enemy.

Times she wakes up and tries to pull out the IVs, and I have to try to comfort her, but she is not her. She scoots away from me, instead of cuddling me. Being close to me is uncomfortable for her. And so I sit next to her bed and hold her little hand and try to just be present.

All the researching is going to have to wait. Since there is no wifi, I know I am meant to just be present with her, learn everything I can from the nurses, every single thing they are doing.

Me, who has feared and not appreciated the medical model of health and wellness. Now I have to completely trust them with one of the most treasured and vulnerable pieces of my heart. And now I am learning a language I never thought would come out of my mouth - I am speaking medical supplies and medication and diagnoses. My mouth astounds me.

Staying present with her.

Staying present with doctors and nurses who I have to send all of my love and gratitude to, even while they sometimes interact with her in a way that tears my heart open. Staying present while I sit in another room and explain why I don't see it as helpful to roughly tell her to wake up and squeeze your hand while she bawls her eyes out because she is so tired and so worn from the ordeal and just got back to sleep.

Staying present with social workers and CPS who don't understand our lifestyle at all. Having to defend things they have no clue what they are talking about, as they put me in a box that is not mine.

The fear that they can separate me from what matters most to me in the whole world because they don't understand me or see our greatness and sameness.

Because that fear feels very real as I am already experiencing a serious separation of almost everything I know and love.

Almost a week in the hospital, away from my 6-year-old son who has been attached to my hip since birth, who has never been away from me - we homeschool, I am a single mama. I am his source. And I worry every moment about how he is doing. Knowing he is with his godmother and her family and my oldest daughter, but knowing he doesn't have me, and I don't have him. And my baby's first intentional words were asking where he was.

Being faced with the fact that our little trip out here for the holidays is going to be a much longer stay. Knowing that my world just turned upside down. No more living on the road for me. No more living in our van. So, what does that mean? And where do we do it?

I am so incredibly blessed.

Blessed that I am who I am, so I could shift this internally to not be the end of the world.

Blessed for the T1 mamas who contacted me on Facebook to load me up with support and info that I could screenshot and read in my room.

Blessed for my mom raced out the night we were admitted, and took it upon her to be my babysitter. She filled me up in ways I needed, and I could not have imagined being able to do that without her calling me everyday and coming to visit (4-hour roundtrip trip for her) as often as she could.

Blessed to know my older kids were safe and very well.

Blessed for the incredible pediatric nurses and pediatric team (nutritionist, child life specialist, etc) that were so good to me and my baby through all of what we went through.

Blessed for the huge outpouring of love, support, and healing vibes being sent from all around the world to us.

Blessed that when she became coherent, she was so easy about everything. The nurses were astounded by how she just sat and watched and didn't even flinch, much less resist.

Blessed to be able to flow, in trying times, with grace and elegance.

Blessed for the sentence in a packet they gave me that assured me this wasn't my fault, that there was nothing I could have done or not done differently.

Lots of tears. All the time. Times when I felt great and simple and on top of the world, and times when I seemed faced with an enormous job and responsibility that I had no idea how I was going to be able to do.

Triggers of mine. Oh, so many of those.

Tired of being in the hospital. Missing my kids like freakin crazy. Jaja starts getting resistant.

Now, I have to physically restrain her so they can give her a shot I know she is going to have to get for the rest of her life, every day, no exceptions. She is asking for a break, and we can't give it. My insides are screaming that this is wrong - there is another way. But the nurses don't get it or have time for it, and the doctors have other priorities.

I am weighed down so much. So heavy. I race down to the coffee shop a couple floors down every time I think my baby will be okay alone in the room, and I grab a few minutes of connection, usually with my super-resource and super-support of T1 mamas. A couple times with my own personal emotional sources. I have lots of work to do.

Because I know that she is picking up on my cues, on my energy about all of this. And I want to just keep myself clear that I am just her pancreas now. That's all. It's not bad, just different, and of course, since this is my life, open up to trust that this is happening for reasons that are going to expand us in ways we are going to love and appreciate.

Finally, we get to go home.

To finally adjust to our new life as we know it, with our family, in the comfort of familiar surroundings.

Every moment in the hospital was so emotionally intense, no matter whether it was "good" or "bad".

Now, we could be home.

Unexpected pressure suddenly. Anxiety at the mere mention or thought of food. What if I don't do it right? What if I do the math wrong? Every piece of food now holds the pressure of whether it can kill her or not.

Food! Something we have never been serious about (intentional, yes, but not serious), and something we can't live without.

And now I have to lean on my friends so much - my friends who I am staying with, and anyone else who can possibly give me support and help in any way. That was already an issue of mine.

And how am I going to afford this? The pharmacy gave me syringes with a bigger guage that hurts her, and she has to get a minimum of 4 shots a day - 4 shots she is already terrified of, 4 shots of trying to find a balance of between honoring her feelings and honoring what her body needs.

Every moment is still so intense.

We ended up back in the ER, because she threw up (which is a warning sign of danger for T1s). Barely home for 24 hours, and back there again, wondering how long this stay will be and how life will ever feel "normal" again.

Scary every minute.

So outside of myself.

Needing SO much help.

Every thought is on her food, her shots, her appointments, CPS adding pressure to all of this.

Anxiety through the roof sometimes.

Moments. Deep breaths. Remembering who I am. Holding my own hand. Accepting people reaching out to me. Intentionally remembering and re-exploring my truths.

This is a whole new world. A new story. And we will be pros before I know it. The opposite of anxiety, for me, is trust.

I am so grateful for being where I am with this, so early. As far as acceptance and trust.

Of course things are going to work out.

This is just our new story.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

how my 100+ things in 2013 unfolded

Hey, Loves ♥

Some of you may remember my list of "100 things to do in 2013" that spilled over and became "100+ things to do in 2013 and beyond".

I sure had aimed for the stars when I put this ginormous juicy list together.

I wanted to revisit it and see what we happened to do on it. Most of what we ended up doing was completely unintentional. Divine. Awesome.

Here we go...

The bolded stuff is what we did, with an explanation :)

1. create a festival

2. sell at a farmers market - I did hairropes at the Yachat's (Oregon) farmers market, with my beloved Misty. Funny thing is that other farmers markets didn't work out and we ended up doing hairropes in parks or on the beach.

3. get another tattoo (my first is a teensy thing on my ankle that I got when I was 15 - an ankh with a peace sign I designed, but not done very well by the tattoo artist. Still, symbolic - eternal peace - and special because my mommy and I got tattoos together :)

4. go to an animal-friendly circus - our beloved pirate sister, Captain Junebug, totally blessed us with tickets to Circus Vargas (an AWESOME family-centered experience that made me want to run away with the circus. But that plan is for another year. I highly recommend it to anyone who shares my values and is interested in a circus experience.)

5. collaborate on a product - I was sooooooo blessed to collaborate with the ever enchanting and powerful and amazing Osunlade on a Goddess Harvest Ritual we did in a serene park next to a creek with ducks and turtles, with beautiful incredible sisters. It was life-changing for me.

6. have 3 e-courses available on website - I am going to call this done, even though they are e-books, not e-courses. (1 is not listed in the sidebar, in case you looked)

7. do unravelling e-course

8. visit an intentional community - we visited the Circle of Children Village School and had the honor of connecting with the deep reverent love and sacred sustainability happening there. I look forward to getting back and partaking in their deeply soulful events and discussion about their philosophies.

9. make a quilt

10. create a full art journal

11. paint a mural

12. go on a retreat - see below

13. host a retreat - I am calling these 2 done-ish. We went to the Radiant Living & Learning Retreat, and I was in charge of the registration desk. It felt a lot like helping host the retreat :) Someday, I will do these in a way that feels 100% what I envisioned when I wrote this on this list.

14. ride a horse (I used to ride them a lot, but haven't since my teens)

15. join/start a women's circle

16. get my nose pierced (again) - I did it! On my birthday, it was a sweet treat.

17. learn tarot - I did start learning how to read cards this year. I purchased a meditation deck, an oracle deck, and a tarot deck. I haven't dedicated much time to it but it is in my intentions for 2014.

18. create a deck of cards

19. be $10,000 less in debt

20. visit another country

21. passports for the whole family

22. get Jaja a CA ID

23. get business legit

24. get tooth fixed

25. get kids teeth fixed (Noble - done! Jaja - no problems - yay! Kass next :)) - Noble's were done, Kass has 1 left, and Jaja still has no problems, but we need to settle down for our insurance and energy to finish this.

26. read/complete Pixie's blog - I read several years worth, and then she changed the format of her blog, and I don't have access to her old blog posts the way I did anymore, so this one is as complete as it can get.

27. Read Michael Brown's whole website (including blog)

28. hoop

29. take a dance class

30. take a roadtrip outside of CA - we totally rocked this!!!!!!!

31. run an art camp

32. attend an unschooling conference - we did more than just attend! We traveled across the country to get there, and my oldest and I spoke at it :))

33. attend/start a hoop jam

34. start a "scripture study" (study something in depth with a few sisters, to start our day off on the right foot)

35. attend a drum circle- did it. It was so awesome. On the beach with one of our favorite ren faire guilds.

36. have monthly celebrations

37. get mehndi- got it done at the retreat :))

39. write a bucket list

40. start a travel journal (when I travel, I want to document daily) - I didn't have a separate travel journal, but I certainly kept in touch with our travels through my usual journaling and my blog (when we were in Oregon).

41. buy art journalling books

42. read Wild Women Who Run with the Wolves

43. complete 12 monthly challenges

44. complete whole alphabet city experiences (Tara wants to "Do something radical in Rhode Island" and something "vigorous in Vermont")

45. create & complete a travel busket list

46. attend a Rocky Horror Picture Show (haven't done that since I was like 6! My mom was so cool)

47. send 12 pieces of mail

48. create a business plan - I read several books about creating a business plan, and I explored a lot of stuff, even though I didn't formally put it all together.

49. have an intention party

50. go on a date with a kind man - that totally happened. It was sweet, and it totally blew my mind to read this and remember that it happened without any push on my part - a stranger that approached me and treated us sweet. Wow.

51. visit my Tribe sisters - I have been ROCKING that It's a big world, and they are all over, but I have been connecting along our way.

52. grow business to sustain us

53. catch up & stay on top of Glee and Walking Dead - totally did this and even added shows to my life. I love watching shows.

54. marry myself (Leonie talked about that a couple years ago) - Did it. It was so magical and just amazing on so many levels. I look forward to renewing my vows this year.

55. find a goddess to hold dearly - I discovered a goddess this year that transformed my understanding of myself and my life. She is a Hindu goddess, Akhilandeshvari, and her name means "never not broken". I recommend the read.

56. create goddess cards

57. read goddess stories to kids

58. make bed uber comfy- oh, I so did that. With help from my mommy

59. buy Kindle and convert books

60. craft for the kids

61. make art with the kids

62. learn how to knit

63. learn how to felt

64. decide what my Ph.D. is in & compile manifesto

65. research transpersonal psychology

66. experience an intensive mentorship

67. more sister time - totally did this in Oregon and Texas

68. blast my music more - yup.

69. meditate more - absolutely.

70. keep planners working - a big chunk of the year, and I am surprised and proud of that.

71. change name (to what? I don't know yet!)

72. do yoga (yin yoga calls to me)

73. sail to an island

74. get national Sea World passes

75. learn how to coach people

76. study Reiki

77. make a mosiac

78. experience weekly gatherings

79. make a physical photo album

80. simplify digital pictures

81. settle (do or sacred farewell) Mt Unfinished (so many unfinished projects in my life holding life clutter space) - oh, I did so much of that. Especially when we downsized again, to bring what would fit in our van to Oregon. I released a lot of projects.

82. leave a trail of lots of "You are beautiful"s - this was a part of our 7 days of love. I intend on making this a daily practice in our life this year.

83. be more involved with the kids - I am very comfortable with where we are with this now.

84. create a power book (don't know what it is, but the name appealed to me! Whippeeeee!)

85. eat more aligned with values - I do, and I am still shifting.

86. enforce a real work week

87. dye my hair purple (maybe tips, maybe chunks, whatever it is, oh yeah! Purple shaman. That is me) - I am gonna say I did this because I shaved my head again. Maybe someday I will add some purple or red to it, but keeping it oh-so short feeds my zen in all the right ways right now.

88. create a will

89. make shit out of my fabric - I did that. I went a little crazy right before we left for Oregon and sewed up a storm.

90. sing for an audience (The Voice?) - not The Voice, but it was awesome to sing with Kass for our Texas beloveds ♥ ♥

91. unravel overeating

92. write a song

93. fill a book with poetry

94. watch back seasons of The Voice

95. write a manifesto

96. write a fiction novel

97. form a band

98. walk around the YMCA bathroom/locker room naked - I am counting this, because I totally walked around with a towel on my lower half but boob-free! Eeeep!!

99. give blood - I tried, but my levels were too low, which I guess happens right before you start your cycle.

100. get 4 massages

101. go whale watching

102. skinny dip under a full moon

103. get in touch with animal guides

104. practice qi gong

105. make a vision board

106. learn dream stuff

107. do 24 moon rituals - I didn't do 24, but I certainly acknowledged the moon in all her cycles throughout the year, and I did a few really powerful rituals.

108. finish Eat Pray Love book (audiobook?)

109. read The Red Tent - totally read it in 1 week.

I am impressed with how many of those are bolded.

After I made this list in my old planner, I added a space for a list of big things that we ended up doing that weren't on that 100+ list.

These are some of the things from that list:
  • sold our RV 1.10.13
  • dealt with the death of a sweet little loved one 1.9.13
  • broke my pinky tip 1.23.13
  • my oldest started really reaching out into womanhood
  • my son started school 2.7.13 (he ended up only going twice, but it was an intense experience to let go in that way)
  • my oldest daughter decided to live with my mom 3.14.13
  • I went through the thick of deep dark internal caverns and spent the better part of 3 months at my mom's to help her with her goats and be close to my daughter and mom, which was magic for all of our relationships, from mid March to mid June
  • my oldest came back to us, in June
  • we catapulted ourselves to Oregon with the intention of growing roots on some land and starting an intentional community, in July
  • after only 3 weeks in Oregon, we turned the ship around and headed for Texas with the intention of speaking at the Rethinking Everything conference, hanging out for a week or so afterward, and then heading hOMe to nourishing magical Oregon, in August
  • we didn't leave Texas. My oldest wanted to stay, and I knew there was magic in the mix for me there, in September
  • my oldest lived with her boyfriend and the kids and I wondered around Dallas, spending time with our beloveds and often feeling very lost and in mourning over my attachment to Oregon, from September to November
  • My oldest came back to us again, and we leapt off toward Chicago for Thanksgiving, in November
  • In December, we headed back to California for the holidays and some recoup time, by way of Texas, and I realized how at home-away-from-hOMe I felt there and finally found peace with being there
What a year.

What an incredible story, interwoven deeply with self, family, tribe, community, travel, bliss, work.

I guess this is kinda my simplified Ode to 2013.

What would your Ode to 2013 look like?

Loving you in your journey,

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

new space

Hello, my Love ♥

Wow, we did it.

We left 2013 behind and stepped into 2014.

I hope that however you celebrated or transitioned or flowed through that threshold, that it was symbolic and soul-nourishing.

I wanted to share a bit about what I am bringing with me into 2014 and open up some space for ideas of what you might want to bring in and spread out and get cozy with.

I am bringing the simple wisdom I have drawn from the lessons of the past - things like being real and vulnerable, feeling my feelings, following my bliss, doing the sacred work so I can be available to show up centered and grounded. Sweet stuff like that.

And I am bringing some intentions.

As I mentioned yesterday, my goal for this year is quality over quantity, to do less and enjoy more.

Some of my intentions are soft and subtle, some are big and ready, and my intention is to embody them.

I intend to delve the mysteries of my body and release what I am holding onto that is manifesting as excess weight.

I intend to manifest a hOMe on wheels for my whole family.

I intend to generate a reliable sustainable income for my sweet deserving little family.

I intend to honor the annual rhythms that I have noticed I feel drawn toward - namely, stillness during the colder months and movement during the warmer months.

I intend on opening up to what Texas is going to bring into my big whole life. I suspect there is something great there.

I intend to revisit the wisdom of "soft + bold: that's the kind of soft I am and that's the kind of bold I am" and see how it shows up in my life and where I can grow it deeper or richer.

I intend to slow down. 2013 had some quickness in it that left me feeling battered by the end of the year. I am ready to mosey again, instead of whip.

I intend to gather beloveds and start a soulful version of "Sunday church" and daily "scripture study" UU style.

I intend to commit to sharing a daily practice through my business, Gypsy Om (currently, it is happening on my Facebook page).

I intend to lean even more consistently toward a daily flow and work week that nourish us.

I intend to eat even more nutrient-based and aligned with my values.

I intend to grow and sink deeply in sacred knowledge and practices that revolve around the moon, goddesses, animal guides, divination (specifically tarot), earth medicine, and Pagan holidays & traditions.

I intend to be more at peace where I find myself.

I intend to make more art with my kids. The messy stuff.

I intend to incorporate the practices of yoga, tai chi, chi kong, and other stretching of the body and soul into my morning routine.

I intend to try to gather with my people weekly.

I intend to leave a love trail in my travels this year - like "you are beautiful"s on post-it notes in public restrooms, art gifts left for strangers, etc.

I intend to stay in touch with my needs.

I intend to learn stuff with Kass - I think we are ready to do this together now.

I intend on creating more art journaling and poetry this year.

I intend on exploring and developing my throat, belly, and root chakras.

I intend to study Reiki and aromatherapy.

Some things I would like to do in 2014:
  • get a tattoo (on my birthday - last year I got my nose pierced for my birthday gift to me)
  • renew my vows to honor and love myself (last year I married myself)
  • get my tooth fixed
  • go on The Unschoolers Caravan trip (from San Diego, CA to Bellingham, WA starting in late May)
  • go to a Rocky Horror Picture Show (I haven't been since I was 3)
  • skinny dip under a full moon (bonus if done with tribe sisters)
  • knit myself a pair of legwarmers
  • finish the audiobook Eat. Pray. Love.
  • create a power book
  • create, create, create
  • get massages
My next step (and I have already begun this) is to plan some of that right into my daily flows, my weekly flows, my monthly flows, my annual flow.

So, how much of my new intentions can I include in my morning "me time buffet"? (I keep a list of this delicious buffet in my planner, so I can revisit it and soak in my needs for the morning and into the day. Sometimes just looking at the list fills me full.).

When might I have time in my days, my soul-felt daily rhythms for these things?

I am more invested in fulfilling my intentions, my habits that will cultivate flow and nourishment. The stuff I would like to do is like the fresh fruit on the cake, the bonuses of the year.

And I will tell you a secret. I mentioned yesterday that I wasn't feeling drawn toward a word for the year, but a word leapt out at me after having said that, and I am being told that it will guide me through my year.


I can already see how it fits so perfectly and deliciously with what I had been feeling drawn toward this year, and I look forward to seeing how it will illuminate my year.

So, what are you wanting to cultivate in this new year?

What are you wanting to grow in your garden?

What do your suitcases from 2013 contain? How are you going to unpack them? Where are you going to put your sacred stuff?

If you know what you want to breathe life into this year, how can we create a space for you to make it happen?

What is most important to you? What is already working + what is newly budding.

How can you design a life around that?

What would your mornings look like?

Your afternoons?

Your evenings?

How would you plan your days?

Not some abstract idea of your life in 2014, but right now. Today. Tomorrow. This week.

How can you grow these?

What would your interactions with others look like?

How would you love yourself?

How would you show yourself that you love you?

How would you show others that you love them?

How would you explore your big wide world?

I hope that these questions invite you to grow your 2014 in a way that nourishes your soul and those around you ♥

All my love,
p.s. - If you are looking for some big deep work, I powerfully suggest my beloved Osunlade's visioning that she did yesterday. She recorded the 2 hour long deep soul work ritual and is offering the recording here for a love offering of $10.
p.p.s. - Can I whole-heartedly recommend Live Your Om: a mini e-course for a week and beyond? If you need more love + hand-holding during the process, just let me know. It would be my pleasure to connect daily via e-mail or Facebook messaging during your practice of it ♥