Wednesday, January 1, 2014

new space

Hello, my Love ♥

Wow, we did it.

We left 2013 behind and stepped into 2014.

I hope that however you celebrated or transitioned or flowed through that threshold, that it was symbolic and soul-nourishing.

I wanted to share a bit about what I am bringing with me into 2014 and open up some space for ideas of what you might want to bring in and spread out and get cozy with.

I am bringing the simple wisdom I have drawn from the lessons of the past - things like being real and vulnerable, feeling my feelings, following my bliss, doing the sacred work so I can be available to show up centered and grounded. Sweet stuff like that.

And I am bringing some intentions.

As I mentioned yesterday, my goal for this year is quality over quantity, to do less and enjoy more.

Some of my intentions are soft and subtle, some are big and ready, and my intention is to embody them.

I intend to delve the mysteries of my body and release what I am holding onto that is manifesting as excess weight.

I intend to manifest a hOMe on wheels for my whole family.

I intend to generate a reliable sustainable income for my sweet deserving little family.

I intend to honor the annual rhythms that I have noticed I feel drawn toward - namely, stillness during the colder months and movement during the warmer months.

I intend on opening up to what Texas is going to bring into my big whole life. I suspect there is something great there.

I intend to revisit the wisdom of "soft + bold: that's the kind of soft I am and that's the kind of bold I am" and see how it shows up in my life and where I can grow it deeper or richer.

I intend to slow down. 2013 had some quickness in it that left me feeling battered by the end of the year. I am ready to mosey again, instead of whip.

I intend to gather beloveds and start a soulful version of "Sunday church" and daily "scripture study" UU style.

I intend to commit to sharing a daily practice through my business, Gypsy Om (currently, it is happening on my Facebook page).

I intend to lean even more consistently toward a daily flow and work week that nourish us.

I intend to eat even more nutrient-based and aligned with my values.

I intend to grow and sink deeply in sacred knowledge and practices that revolve around the moon, goddesses, animal guides, divination (specifically tarot), earth medicine, and Pagan holidays & traditions.

I intend to be more at peace where I find myself.

I intend to make more art with my kids. The messy stuff.

I intend to incorporate the practices of yoga, tai chi, chi kong, and other stretching of the body and soul into my morning routine.

I intend to try to gather with my people weekly.

I intend to leave a love trail in my travels this year - like "you are beautiful"s on post-it notes in public restrooms, art gifts left for strangers, etc.

I intend to stay in touch with my needs.

I intend to learn stuff with Kass - I think we are ready to do this together now.

I intend on creating more art journaling and poetry this year.

I intend on exploring and developing my throat, belly, and root chakras.

I intend to study Reiki and aromatherapy.

Some things I would like to do in 2014:
  • get a tattoo (on my birthday - last year I got my nose pierced for my birthday gift to me)
  • renew my vows to honor and love myself (last year I married myself)
  • get my tooth fixed
  • go on The Unschoolers Caravan trip (from San Diego, CA to Bellingham, WA starting in late May)
  • go to a Rocky Horror Picture Show (I haven't been since I was 3)
  • skinny dip under a full moon (bonus if done with tribe sisters)
  • knit myself a pair of legwarmers
  • finish the audiobook Eat. Pray. Love.
  • create a power book
  • create, create, create
  • get massages
My next step (and I have already begun this) is to plan some of that right into my daily flows, my weekly flows, my monthly flows, my annual flow.

So, how much of my new intentions can I include in my morning "me time buffet"? (I keep a list of this delicious buffet in my planner, so I can revisit it and soak in my needs for the morning and into the day. Sometimes just looking at the list fills me full.).

When might I have time in my days, my soul-felt daily rhythms for these things?

I am more invested in fulfilling my intentions, my habits that will cultivate flow and nourishment. The stuff I would like to do is like the fresh fruit on the cake, the bonuses of the year.

And I will tell you a secret. I mentioned yesterday that I wasn't feeling drawn toward a word for the year, but a word leapt out at me after having said that, and I am being told that it will guide me through my year.


I can already see how it fits so perfectly and deliciously with what I had been feeling drawn toward this year, and I look forward to seeing how it will illuminate my year.

So, what are you wanting to cultivate in this new year?

What are you wanting to grow in your garden?

What do your suitcases from 2013 contain? How are you going to unpack them? Where are you going to put your sacred stuff?

If you know what you want to breathe life into this year, how can we create a space for you to make it happen?

What is most important to you? What is already working + what is newly budding.

How can you design a life around that?

What would your mornings look like?

Your afternoons?

Your evenings?

How would you plan your days?

Not some abstract idea of your life in 2014, but right now. Today. Tomorrow. This week.

How can you grow these?

What would your interactions with others look like?

How would you love yourself?

How would you show yourself that you love you?

How would you show others that you love them?

How would you explore your big wide world?

I hope that these questions invite you to grow your 2014 in a way that nourishes your soul and those around you ♥

All my love,
p.s. - If you are looking for some big deep work, I powerfully suggest my beloved Osunlade's visioning that she did yesterday. She recorded the 2 hour long deep soul work ritual and is offering the recording here for a love offering of $10.
p.p.s. - Can I whole-heartedly recommend Live Your Om: a mini e-course for a week and beyond? If you need more love + hand-holding during the process, just let me know. It would be my pleasure to connect daily via e-mail or Facebook messaging during your practice of it ♥