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Hello, new friend :)

It is such a pleasure to connect with you.

I am Nova, and my life totally revolves around being a wild mama to these 3 blessings.

I created this webspace as a way of chronicling our radical unschooling journey, and it grew richer and fuller as I grew into my role as a homemaker. Then it shifted to chronicle our road-living adventure and entrepreneurship.

In January 2014, after 2 1/2 years on the road, our youngest family member, Jaja, was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes. We needed a still foundation while we integrated our new ways of being into the lifestyle we love most, and with our doctor's blessing have taken to the road again for a few months, before we nestle down to hOMestead in Oregon for the winter.

We have dreams of a hybrid life - spending the colder months hunkered down in an intentional community, and enjoying a gypsy life in the warmer months.

We are always somewhere interesting on this wild sacred journey, and this web space continues to evolve organically as a reflection of our ever-flowing life :)

I have always held a special place in my heart for the word gypsy. I am honored to use it, to express the way we move in our road living, how we offer our sacred wares whenever we stop, how we stay until we feel called to move on.

Om, to me, is a meditative vibration that calls forth deep sacred peace. It is a string of bliss moments, strung across my day, like prayer flags. It's a way of being, a space we move from.

This is my internet haven, my temple, my alter, where I arrange my sacred pretties, listen to my calling, share my brightest treasures, follow the path that unfolds before me as I walk, and nourish you by giving all of my heart and all of my depths and all of my light to the practice of love and community.

It is so soul-delicious to share this space with you. My deepest gratitude that you are here.


Let me open the virtual door to this cozy little home and show you around a bit...

Here are some of the pre-2013 blog posts that light me up the most:

Life is Delicious
Many Blessings
Embodying the Wild Woman Archetype
Simple, Simple, Simpler
My Gift to the World
Over There
BEing in Nomads Land
Amazon Warrior Monk Rockstar
Shameless Confession-festo
Yummy Yummy Life
A Beginners Listening
This Rockin New Year
100+ Things to do in 2013
A Page of Gratitude
Centering Myself Around my 2013 Intentions
a story of a soul

Here is a post highlighting my favorite posts pre-2013 :)
As you might have noticed, we tend toward being a very close connected family, some of the radicalest of radical unschoolers, and loosely live naturally and sustainably.

Learning about radical unschooling, connection parenting, and consensual living transformed our family and our life. We live joyful and fun. Living nomadically provided the changing panoramic views and simplicity + flow + movement + connection + self-sufficiency that we were needing, and we are so grateful for all we experienced and all the lessons that come with such simplicity and abundance, so we can step into every new day of our life with grace and joy.
I am also on facebook, pinterest, instagram, and YouTube. I would love to connect with you there :)
So, pull up a cozy seat, grab a warm cuppa something soul-delicious, and let's get to know each other better ;)
All my love,

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