Monday, February 25, 2013

Our Circle

Hello, my love ♥

I have been deep in retreat for the past week, up in the quiet mountains surrounded by beloveds. Stillness. That is what I have been soaking in. Depth.

I have also been deeply in creative mode. First, I created a magical windy stone path across my friend's lawn (with my baby), and then I sewed for almost 30 hours straight, and most recently I started completing preparing the space that is our circle ♥

Oh, it is so gorgeous and magical.

I can't wait to show it to you.

I can't wait to grow it with you.

I can't wait to see how you are going to impact it.

I want to tell you about what I have been doing, and what I look forward to doing.

This magical circle is a space for a deeply loving, tight-knit, propelling-us-forward-in-our-intentions community. Of upmost importance to me is a community where we love to connect. And there are plenty of spaces to grow as individuals, too.

I like the deeply transformational and far-reaching kind of stuff. The kind of stuff that starts as a seed, is watered, nourished, and shined light upon by self + beloveds, grows big and magnificent, and over time creeps and crawls across the garden to touch every bit of it in it's own way.

Actually, this is what I want for our circle, too ♥

I want to it be an online communal home for us. A non-hierarchal space, where each of us grows it in our own beautiful, incredible, and magical way. There is plenty of room for each of us to create our own little space to make it feel like home.

Let me tell you a bit about the platform I have created and some exciting plans I have for the future :)

The bulk of the space is dedicated to the forum. The pictures, videos, music, events calendar - it is all meant to support the heart space of the forum.

I believe we build relationships, especially online relationships, online connections, a heart tribe, through communication, through discussions, through shared interests, through navigating differences in a way that gives us more respect and love for ourselves and each other, through online experiences touching and impacting our daily lives.

I have created 5 forum spaces for soul connecting with each other:
  • The Big Circle Gathering: our usual gathering space for connecting
  • Sacred Journeys: dedicated souls with shared intentions - where we connect to grow in specific ways together
  • The Library - where we share our resources with each other
  • Marketplace - an online farmers market of our sacred wares, centered in the possible needs and desires of our beloved sisters and brothers :)
  • Tribal Counsel: a space to discuss the technical details to evolve our circle into a creative group masterpiece
The Sacred Journeys forum is where I share my ever-flowing idea font of soul-delicious journeys we can take together. It is where I grow in my intentions deeply with you. I have so so so so many ideas of paths we can explore and frolic down together, and I can't wait to hear which ones you are interested in taking with me and our similarly intentioned sisters and brothers.

I am a plethora of ideas for this space + your ideas = pure magic.

I am even in the process of creating an app for it, for iphones and android phones :)

It is just so much fun. I want to give my everything to this space.

Come build it with me.

For $10 a month, why not?

It does take a certain level of commitment, and I understand if you don't have it yet, but when you are ready to feel at home, come find us. We will be waiting for you ♥

Always being with you,

Saturday, February 16, 2013

A Bit o' Update on Life

Hello, my love ♥

I wanted to cozy up on the loveseat and chat about life.

We have had a few big things shift in our life, and I would love to share them with you.

About 3 1/2 weeks ago, my darling oldest child slammed my cute little pinky finger in the van's side sliding door, and broke the little tender tip.


After about, what felt like 10 minutes, of scream-crying hysterically, I piled all the kids into the van and drove myself to the ER.

I have never felt pain like that.

It was way more intense than childbirth even, because it had no breaks.

And it was the weirdest sensation, like someone was squeezing one side of it, while my feeling was way off center (the broken part, I am assuming).

Thankfully, I just managed to be clear of needing any kind of intervention to relieve the blood pressure. The doctor (whose name was Socrates, by the way!!) gave me a splint and said it should heal fine.

Maybe it was the Tylenol they gave me, but after 2 hours, the sensations were less intense, and I was able to sleep.

The next day, I knew I didn't want to take pain medication for it. I just don't feel good about numbing pain. It doesn't align with my innards.

So, I pulled my intentions up by their bootstraps and decided that I was going to experience sensations, not pain. I was going to let them flow through me, not hold them in. I was going to talk about how my finger was healing, not about how bad it was, etc. I was not going to stress because I could feel my blood pressure in my pinky tip.

I took arnica to promote healing from the bruises, and I listened inward to what it needed.

I told it I loved it and that it was so brave. My other fingers on that hand were so sweet and gentle with their baby sister and told her how brave she was, and she felt strong and confident.

When I showered for the first couple weeks, the discoloration in my finger was so obvious, we called it my zombie finger. I was a tenth zombie :)

I have followed a healing regimen of taking the splint off a few times a day, rubbing it to promote circulation and bending it to the extent that it feels right. A couple times I considered going to a doctor, but I realized that I just wanted someone to assure me that the healing was on track, so, instead, I went inward and listened and trusted.

A couple days ago we went to the pool for the first time since it happened, and when I went into the jacuzzi, my finger seemed to come alive!! The circulation and range of motion were incredible! I could feel the very very tip, even!

I have been sleeping with the splint off the past few nights, and when I wake up, it is bending well and feeling great :) This morning, it feels at about 70% recovery! Yay :))

A few incredible insights have come from this experience.

I love that my understanding of feeling sensations in birth applied to this experience, too.

I had never broken anything before, and now I have. And it wasn't as bad as I always thought it would be. I have released that fear that I held onto about pain.

I went to give blood a couple weeks ago, and I wasn't afraid of the needle going into my arm to draw out a pint of blood (or however much they take), but I suddenly found myself worked up in anxiety over the finger prick (to check my iron levels). I have always been so so so afraid of those!!

And then it hit me. I broke my finger - this will be nothing!

Instant calm.

I am so much stronger and calmer for having broken my finger.

Isn't that amazing?

I am so grateful that it happened.

2013 is seriously rocking my socks so far.

Another big shift in our life is that Noble started going to the learning center with Kassidy 2 days a week.

The school is relaxed and fun-oriented. Although nothing short of a Sudbury school will be unschooly enough for me, he likes it and wants to keep going. We talk about it everyday.

I first enrolled him because I thought he might like to take a couple classes, and then it snowballed into 2 full days. The teachers are incredible - 1 of them wears her darling delicious little baby. It is an enrichment type program, not a school, so to speak. So there is a lot less pressure on it.

I am glad to change things up a bit for him. Our life feels a tad unexciting right now. I don't want to just wait for when we have more income or when we can travel, so I have been trying to do fun things in our area. But life feels a tad... comfortable right now.

An uncomfortable comfortable. We spend too much time at the same park and the same library and the same after-hours parking lot (free wi-fi).

The kids are starting to get restless in these spaces.

We are looking forward to some changes of scenery in our life asap. For now, the learning center is providing a welcomed change of scenery.

I wasn't really thinking about how time away from her Bobo would impact Jaja. It has been beautiful and amazing to see her unfold gently on her own terms.

She is so different when she isn't around Noble. She is calmer and more mature.

It has been some special time for us.

We read books at the library together, and then she plays on the kids computer, while I get some work done.

There is an incredible child development program at the YMCA, where we are members. And I hope to get Jaja in there those 2 days a week, so I will have 2 large blocks of time to focus 100% on working. The program is so incredible (almost identical to the program at the school I learned child development at), I wish I could get Noble in there, too. They are much more unschooly there :)

With 2 days to focus hard on work, I am hoping that I can get by with spending the other 5 more involved and focused on my kids.

Trying to grow a business while being a single mom living in a van has proven QUITE a challenge LOL Although, I am a warrior, I just would rather be allocating my energy in different ways.

I would feel better if my kids had more of my whole attention and time. I have so many wonderful ideas of ways we can spend time, when I don't have 1 eye buried in a business book, my laptop screen, or my journal planning, thinking, sorting.

I love this business stuff, but I look forward to setting up some times and spaces for different things.

I will share soon some of our ideas for things to do together ♥

So, what is new and beautiful in your life?

Friday, February 15, 2013

7 Days of Love: Day 5

Oh my gosh, my love!!

I'm so excited to heart cuddle with you right now :))

Valentine's Day was super magical for me!!!!!!!

Oh, I hold it in my heart that it was for you, too ♥

Before I dive into incredible Day 5, I want to share something with you....

This 7 Days of Love has been super special and dear to me.

Love is my thing, and this has been a fun and thoughtful way to show it.

There is a sacred space that these days of love have grown from, and I would love to share a bit about that space with you. It's still a young space inside of me. Although, I believe love has been a salient life theme of mine, this type of love is still new and vulnerable.

I read something recently that went something like, "When someone is sad, hug them. Not to fix it or make it better, but because it is the most loving thing to do."

Just because it is loving.

Take a moment to soak that in if you need to. I could soak it in for days, maybe longer.

Just love, to be loving.

Mmmmm, yes.

It fits perfectly with my greatest lesson from a book I read last winter, to love just for the sake of love.

I used to love with a purpose - usually, that was to heal, or to get love back.

I used to love in a way that felt suspiciously like a heirarchy - I didn't want to, but I felt *better* because I was the one giving.

Even though this flavor slightly tainted my love, I have always had a magic love gift, and it has always felt so beautiful to give love in the most soul-aligned way I knew how, so now it feels like tingly love magic.

The kind that I feel from the depths of my soul to the tips of my toes.

These Days of Love have grown from that space of simply giving love in big ways, just for the sake of love, because I am a loving being.

The reason I say "big ways" is because I have been stepping outside of my little comfort area and giving love to new people, in large quantities, in situations that I used to be afraid of, in ways that feel aligned with my inner simple love + deeply connected ways.

This has been a huge experience.

I feel braver.

I feel like maybe this is a piece of my message to the world.

I feel like I want to yell how incredible this is from rooftops.

I want to tell everyone how easy it is to step outside and show love, what a huge impact a little act has.

I want to rally my love ninjas and find ways to do this year-round in greater quantities.

What if every day was as filled with love as Valentines Day?

Maybe this is my message? Or part of it...

Day 5...

So, you know how we were making valentines with kids on Day 4?

Well, I kinda made some really simply sweet handmade valentines (I didn't count but easily over 100 of them), about a dozen different kinds, all with the same message, "You are loved ♥", and me and my baby passed them out into our community all day long.

We went to our local food pantry, and I started passing the valentines out. Jaja was so smitten with the experience, she started wanting to hand them out. She gave them to everyone. She even gave away the ones I wasn't ready to pass out LOL

It was delightful.

I want to recreate the "handing out" for you:
We see the person we want to give our love to next, we light up and walk toward them, we hand them the valentine and say "We wanted to wish you a Happy Valentines Day" with sooo much love in our hearts and voice, sometimes we hug, sometimes we talk, but always we wait a moment, connecting with the person with eye contact and heart contact, sending them bursts of love and just being in that space of gratitude and love and joy with them, and when they show they are complete, we acknowledge that and step back and look for our next love target.

Over 100 times we had the honor of sharing that space with a new person.

It left me whirling in delight afterwards. Literally. I was laughing hysterically and crying at the same time, as we started to leave our second destination, and this song came on the radio.

I can't find the words to express how incredibly magical it was.

It was magical for us to see people light up, to feel their delightful surprise and their gratitude, for people to say with so much love that that was their first valentine or would be their only.

It was magical to hear people talk about it after we had left - trails of, "We need more of that in our world" and "Wasn't that so sweet?"

It was magical when it got back to us that some of the beautiful beloved people we shared with were telling people about what we were doing, and our friends got to say, "Hey! That was my friend and her daughter!"

I'm totally in tears right now, writing this.

I feel so humble.

I am so grateful to be in my life where I am right now.

Unconditional love. Joyful, beautiful, real, true, exhilarating love.

I'm still learning.

It's a practice with my children.

It's a practice with friends and loved ones.

Yesterday, it was a being. It was loving just for the sake of loving.

Can you feel it?

Thursday, February 14, 2013

7 Days of Love: Day 4

Hey, Love ;)

How is your Valentine's day going? I hope it is super incredible.

I am basking in love over here. Today is a big amazing day. I look forward to sharing the bulk and the details of it with you :))

Day 4, yesterday, was a day of crafting with kids.

We brought a basket of valentine-making stuff to the library, found a table in the kids section, and opened the table up for everyone to craft with us.

We told them we were making valentines, but they were welcome to make whatever they wanted :)

I didn't take pictures of the kids, but I got one of my biggest crafting fan...

she just loved it!

a note from a thankful parent :))
It was a fun day :) The kids had fun with paint and stamps and scissors and papers and more.

We made necklaces and mobiles and clips and cards and hearts with googley eyes on giant popsicle sticks and more.

Just fun :)

Here is to basking in the love of today with you,

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

7 Days of Love: Day 3

'Ello, Love ♥

Each day for 7 days, I am finding ways to give love in big ways.

Day 1 I shared a big love song.

Day 2 I love-bombed high traffic areas in my little beloved community.

And then yesterday, I passed out handmade valentines at a big dinner in the park with one of the coolest church groups ever + my beloved home-free community :)

I saw so many people light up when I gave them a valentine with a giant smile and then a big heart hug.

They lit me up with their gratitude and love.

I am deeply moved by Day 3.

Simply deeply moved.

I keep being open to ways that I can give my love to this special group where I find myself. It is such an honor to be here, to give and to receive. I love being here in this.

I am humbled and deep in gratitude.

I highly recommend that if you are looking for the most heart-delicious group of folks to give valentines to, you give love to the folks who are homeless or home-free in your area ♥

Shine bright and love vibrantly!!

Being in this space with you,

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

7 Days of Love: Day 2

Hello, my love! ♥

Oh, I am so blessed to be here, sharing this with you :))

I had a wonderfully loving day yesterday.

Yesterday, I left florescent pink post-it love notes in high-traffic areas.

in the bathroom at my daughter's dentist office building

on the handle leading into the building

inside a social services building, for the workers to see

outside the window for the clients to see :)

above the door handle of the children's bathroom, for parents to see :)
And many more that I didn't get pics of, like one on the 15-minute-use computer at the library that read "you are loved ♥ pass it on :)". And one in the women's bathroom of a very popular gas station here in our little community.

It felt so amazing to just give my love, to sometimes see a person's smile after they read the little note.

I have also had some fellow lovers, who were inspired by my acts, follow suit.

Love is contagious! :))

So, I am curious, Love... in what ways do you give love throughout your day?

Warm and inspire me :)

Monday, February 11, 2013

A New Moon for the New Moon

Hello, Beloved ♥

Well, I did it again...

I stopped shaving my head last year for reasons that had less to with my fill of a shaved head, and more to do with wanting to comfort my children and a romantic interest.

I was having some ick the past couple weeks. Stuck in the muck. Not flowing.

Anxiety. Control. Fear. Rage.

I kept trying to make it stop.

Laughable, of course.

I knew that there was some big lesson to get, some new barrier to love that I was going to realize and let go of.

And then I started listening to this song, and as my crying and healing started flowing, the word surrender came to me.

I realized that somewhere along the way, over the couple of weeks that I had been feeling the ick, I had started to close up, hold stuff in.

I cried some more. I thrust my chest toward the universe and cracked opened up my heart chakra. I practiced allowing all of the stuff I had been resisting over the past couple weeks. I cried some more.

And then I felt like the incredible goddess of flow that I am.

And I started to feel stuff falling away.

I sat with the feelings of inadequacy that were coming up since I put myself out there, wanting to open up this online space.

I knew there were going to be so many feelings coming. Feelings that I want to surrender to. Feelings I want to feel, not push away or numb in any way.

I am ready to walk through the fire.

I am a firewalker.

I am a phoenix.

My birth name means butterfly, and I always related to that, but now I am a badass phoenix.

I am going to fly straight into the fire, perish, and be reborn anew and more badass.

I am a warrior. A warrior monk ♥

Well, a warrior monk needs the right 'do for the job.

Shaving my head opens me up to the energy of the universe in ways that hair stifles me.

I knew immediately that I needed to shave my head.

So, I did.

It wasn't the same PAZOW! that it was last time. I knew what to expect.

But jeez, there is something magical about those clippers buzzing off the hair I no longer appreciated.

The radiance seeped in quickly, and I felt myself aglow.

I returned my friend's clippers, and he (being the meticulous one he is) saw some spots I had missed, and touched them up for me. As he was buzzing my head, I thought how perfect it was.

The first time I shaved my head, my kids helped me. And this time, my friend who helped me find peace in the simplicity of this life, just by his peaceful being, was helping me facilitate my simple soulful being.

And once the over-stimulation eased, I couldn't stop touching my head and rubbing it on things, like a kitty :)

It was an old friend, a dear, and dearly missed one.

I am zen.

And I am here, in this present fully. And I am ready to experience the sensations of firewalking.

And I love you so ♥

7 Days of Love: Day 1

Hello, My Love ♥

Yesterday began my 7 Days of Love.

Each day I am going to find a way to give love in big ways.

Yesterday, I texted everyone in my phone and posted this beautiful inspiring video on Facebook (and a few people's pages).

Enjoy, my love ♥

All my love, always,

Friday, February 8, 2013

Centering myself in my 2013 Intentions

Hello, Darling!

Are you having an incredible day? I surely hope so ♥

Mmm, I wanted to tell you a bit about the intentions I created back in December, for 2013 and how they have shifted organically through living.

I just love the way life moves and flows. Isn't it amazing? Always a new freshness :))

When I was exploring my plans for 2013, I delved deep inside myself and asked different areas of my life what they were ready for next. It has taken a bit of fleshing out and long talks with the oldest child to reprioritize and know what we really want for 2013.

My initial intentions went something like:
  • Self: body stuff - healthful eating + wellness movement
  • Family: reconnect with consensual living, being a yes mom, unconditional parenting, + be more involved.
  • Schedule: use this planner to complete projects and manifest success
  • Home: flexible + simple
  • Family Learning: live rich and diverse lives.
  • Livelihood: create, create, create + learn & grow, become sustainable
  • Partner: read, process, and practice
  • Tribe: visit, practice for local tribe someday, maybe create an online space
  • Community: visit an array of them, contribute to them in our travels
  • Travel: travel in whatever way and for as long as we can, travel out of the country
That was basically it. For each intention, the back of its page was a plan, so I could prepare for success.

I guess when I simplify it so shortly, it seems more current than it seemed to feel over the past few weeks. I have been wanting to rewrite them, and to plan for the future to revisit and update them every 2 or 3 months.

I did want to travel this year, but I had no idea that the rest of my year would basically revolve around our plans to do it.

It was like, once I had written it down, gotten back in touch with it, the need to do it grew like fire inside me, engulfing me.

I had lofty plans to try to get my daughter to agree to travel the second half of 2013, which would mean she would miss summer here and the first semester of her new school year.

I felt her and our life out and presented it slowly, and I told her if she could give me that, I would be comfortable enough with that much, that we could come back and lay down some roots - a house, the whole shebang.

Well, I am very excited and proud to announce that, currently, the plan is: if my oldest loves travelling as much as I think she will, we will travel for a whole year, and travel around the world for a year after that.

Who knows how that will end up.

I really love to follow where our internal guide beckons us in the present, influenced by the allure of the winds of change :)

It is so easy for me to just go with the breeze, flow like a river. But my earthy daughter needs a bit more grounding beneath her, and on her terms :) So, these talks are HUGE!

She is opening up to it. I feel it filling her up. I see her connecting with people with these intentions.

We talk about where we want to go, who we want to visit. We both have an online tribe calling for us. There are so many incredible things to do on the road. And I just love love love that we can live so simply, so comfortably.

In the van, we can go anywhere, do anything.

I am so grateful that everything has unfolded the way it has, to bring us to where we are right now in this moment.

In addition to travel aspirations, I am oh so ready to explode my business.

Things were so foggy for so long. I had an idea of what I wanted to do, I had an idea of what my message was about, but I couldn't focus. I wasn't clear.

And now I am a superconductor of clarity + purpose.

My gift to the world is for me to just be my most vibrant being and watch it transform people and communities.

My path is that like Jesus and Mother Teresa, to heal and soul-nourish just with my presence and my love.

I create spaces for transformation.

And that transformation may be to alight vibrant beings. To help my seeking brothers and sisters excavate for that brilliant glowing, bursting gem inside of them, buried beneath the crud, and let the rest fall away, until they are bright as the sun in every way.

I am here to help us embody our vibrant BEing + create vibrant tribes, circles, gatherings, communities.

I want to shout it from a mountain. Hmm, I need to add that to my list of 100+ things to do in 2013+.

Added :))

Can you feel that? Whew! That is some incredible energy. When I start talking about my message and my purpose, I literally start jumping up and down with the energy it creates.

That is how I know I am on the right path.

So, this is how I want to do it:

I am opening an online space wide and gathering my peeps to create a community with me, and hopefully a deeply connective tribe. It is completely co-created, so how it feels and what it does is up to you.

But I am dedicating all of my being to this space.

I am made for creating spaces that transform lives.

My whole life has lead me to this moment, and I have never been more dedicated, fearless, limitless.

This is it.

And I have 4 months to create a space that transforms my own life. I am ready to not only sustain my family through my endeavors, but to thrive wildly. I am ready to create an incredible spiral, where as the online space grows and enables me to thrive, I have so much more to give back, and so the space grows even more, spiraling into infinity in big looping circles of abundance.

I am bursting with ideas of ways for this online space to transform lives, inside and outside of our sacred gathering.

I can work magic in 4 months.

And then, when we are ready to hit the open road, my vision will expand to include connecting deeply in person with the beautiful incredible souls from this online community.

I want to bring this entire tribe down to a deeper level of connection by visiting some of you in your homes, in your communities, dancing on tables in the park to blasting radiant music, tossing together a festival complete with a fresh batch of hula hoops, gathering in deep sacred red tents of women, gathering around a campfire, crying together, laughing together, playing together, being together.

Life is incredible and full of so many amazing ways we can nourish our souls and transform our lives. I want to explore them with you. I want to tailor them to your family and community. I want to be with you, be present with you, enjoy the heck out of you ♥

Not all of us need transformation. I am really really good at just being, too.

Some of you may even want to saddle up and caravan with us. Oh, my delicious gypsy tribe that I have dreamed of for so long.

Whatever you want to do, I want to do it, too!

Let's have an adventure :)

That's all I know right now.

I want to open wide this online+inheart space for grassroots folks to build a deeply soulful, connective, and transformative community.

In 4 months I want to explore the horizons outside my big front window, to adventures and scenic views and soul sisters and brothers.

Every intention in my life revolves around these 2 things.

So, this is more what our priorities + intentions look like at this chapter of 2013:

  • Self: nourish me, deeply care for my needs so I can give my all
  • Business: learn, grow wildly, adjust as needed, create time to be totally devoted to work
  • Income: generate abundantly + unapologetically + shamelessly
  • Travel: plan, explore, make lists - all for fun, it will unfold organically and seamlessly
  • Schedule: get into the groove of a daily family rhythm, use my delicious planner, make lists with wild abandon, change everything as needed, complete projects + manifest efficiency
  • Home: clean + simple + organized, practice working it, so prepared when hit the road
  • Family + Family Learning: reconnect with simple sacred mama path and family, do fun stuff, plan fun stuff for the future
  • Tribe & Community: practice, enjoy, create space for transformation
  • Partner: practice loving souls deeply and presently, so I can do the same for my future lover

The promises of tomorrow are fresh in my nose like spring air. 

Please, love, tell me what is new for you...

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Celebrating 300(ish) Posts!

Hello, my love ♥

Eek! We are here in this space again :)

Have you seen the new stuff on the blog site? Oh, I am gushing with pride over my beautiful new graphics :))

I was peeking through my old blog posts for a "new here?" page, and I found some yummy links that I wanted to share with you! (I posted lots of stuff on Facebook, too)

And, as happens, when I came here to post this, I was THRILLED to find that this post will be the 300th post!

**note: after publishing this post, I realized that it was 300, including my drafts LOL So, happy 274 posts, or something like that ROFL

So, in celebration of 300ish posts, shall we take a stroll down memory lane together?

Thank you, Friedman Archives for this image LOL

Remember, I started this blog to chronicle our unschooling journey? Then it kind of evolved into my journey of me and as a home-maker. Gradually, I eased into my journey to full-time in an RV. And then it became a haven for my calling and my gifts to you :))

Here are some delicious opportunities for mind stretching and heart stretching. Pick what draws you, and feel free to start a dialogue in the comments section. I have full elaboration inside me on these topics :) Can you feel how badly I want to start the forums/tribe with you?

Alright, linky love:

Holy canoles! That took over a week. I read my whole blog. That was incredible!!! What a journey this has been!

I see some things so much clearer after that trip down memory lane :)

If you wanna see the cutest thing ever, check out the snapshots of our life over the past 3 years. Oh, my kids are so freakin cute and have grown immensely!

I hope you enjoy! And now that this post is finally complete, I have lots of posts that were waiting, that will be showing up over the next few days :D

In deep gratitude for you,