Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Oh, the Places We'll Go...

Hello, Darling...

Did you hear that? I purred :))

I am a very content kitty right now.

I am in my grooooooooooovvvve....

I have been rolling in the grass under a clear blue sky, seeing my dreams in big giant clouds above.

They are so real.

I'm just purrrring.

And I made the very best list in my life right now.

I sorted my 100+ things to do in 2013+ into categories, and had a banging job of organizing it, making it more real and tangible, seeing how it was actually going to fit into my life, not just be some abstract list in a really cool planner :)

I sorted my future experiences into 3 lists - 1-shot things, new habits, and big plans. Of course, the 1-shot things was the shortest list! LOL

Then, I went through my lists and decided what I wanted to do before we hit the road (green, as in go!) and what we wanted to do on the road (yellow, way more mellow).

And then I decided what I wanted to do with my Tribefolk on the road (asterisks), and what was a personal journey.

I am here to share my list of things I want to do with you.

It's a bucket list of sorts.

Maybe you have a specialty, and you can enable me ;)

Pick what calls to you and hold it deeply + dearly in your heart for when I come to visit, and we will do it together, just like soul sisters ♥

Are you ready to tingle together again?

  • go to an animal-friendly circus
  • visit an intentional community
  • ride a horse
  • go to an unschooling conference
  • attend a hoop jam
  • get mehndi
  • go to a Rocky Horror Picture Show
  • go on a date with a kind man
  • learn how to felt
  • sail to an island
  • make a mosaic
  • sing for an audience
  • go whale watching
  • swim naked under a full moon
  • hoop
  • drum
  • knit
  • leave a ♥ + beauty trail
  • write poetry
  • paint a mural
  • go on a retreat
  • have an intention party
  • alphabet cities (eat a Taco in Tucson, etc.)
  • experience my gypsy tribe
  • weekly gatherings
  • travel bucket list stuff, to be accumulated per research :)
I am also really wanting some more deep experiences with sisters ...
  • create a festival
  • collaborate on a product
  • host a retreat
  • run an art camp
  • form a band
Eep!! Doesn't that sound like fun?!!!

I am practically hyperventilating :))

In the meantime, I have lots of deep work, planning, and business growth to do *big cheesy excited smile*

I went from purring to jumping up and down in my seat, both in real life and hypothetically.

I just love life. It so rocks.

Speaking of loving something that rocks, I don't know if you have visited the blog site recently (some of you use e-mail or reader to keep connected), but I have been making some fun changes recently.

I just felt simple, and professional, and simply artful.

Let me know how you think I did :))

Still more stuff in the mix. Always more stuff in the mix,

Sunday, January 13, 2013

A Page of Gratitude

Hello, My Loves *soft squishy heart*

Can I have a hug?

[a moment to soak it in]

Mmmm, thank you.

As I knew it would be, 2013 has been rockin my socks.

My very first thought of the year was that it was time to release my RV, and that evening the perfect new owner threw out his idea.

It took about 7 days of deep heavy processing, physically, emotionally, and the like. It was a lot, but it wasn't a house. Thank goodness :)

And now, I am RV free. It's just me + 3, a van, and cute little 5x5 storage unit (with yet more stuff to release). Wahoo!

It was as liberating to release the RV as it was to receive it.

I am so at peace. All the stress that was the RV in my life, now gone.

On the day that was to be my final day finishing the few tiny things left in it, I got a phone call from my best friend of almost 20 years' husband. She was 8 months and 1 day pregnant and the baby had stopped moving, so they went to the ER, and there was no heartbeat.

Baby Ella had passed.

It has been a very intense 5 days. Grief. Love. Togetherness. Community. Tear-shedding beauty. Release. Growth. Even peace.

It's quite a story that I will share with you when I have sorted through it a bit more and decided how to write it. Because... Well, there are kind of 2 stories.

The one I sometimes tell myself that breaks my heart, and the simultaneously running one where even when put to the test, I can't help but have faith that it is all part of a perfect plan, the one where we chose what we want to feel and how we want to experience every bit of it.

Both are very real and very present.

My friend is on a journey that I can't walk for her, but I am honored to walk with her, to be with her, to hold her, to cry with her, to release with her, to bear witness to her journey through my eyes.

It is my honor to hold a sacred space for her.

And I am blessed to be on quite an incredible journey myself right now. This experience, and where I am in in my life already, have untwisted my relationship with death. I was so afraid, oh-so very afraid, of death, and now I have peace.

The ways I, personally, have grown as a healer, over the past 5 days is exciting and humbling.

What I have released, and what I have witnessed have amazed and transformed me.

Thank you, Baby Ella ♥
A few days ago, on Facebook, I wrote
Death humbles me. Thank you, Death, for reminding me of beauty and blessings. Thank you, Life, for allowing me to be present for this family's grieving and healing ♥
...As happens in my life, often, as I opened this blank blog post canvas to connect with you, I checked with my incredible planner, and next on my list to share with you more in depth was my Page of Gratitude.

How perfectly synonymous with what is going on in our life right now.

And so I give to you...

May I walk you through?

I am grateful & thankful for...

♥ blessings & gifts ♥
stuff, not stuff
from people & the universe
(depicted as a purple gift box - with spirals all over it, of course)
zen, peace, flow, water
(depicted as 2 blue parallel wavy lines)
my family & friends
(depicted as a rich red heart, hugged by the words family and friends)
living in a constant state of newness,
a new opportunity to start fresh :)
(depicted as a spiral sun with bright reaching rays)
(depicted as a foot print)
the sacred journey ♥
(depicted as a big lose bright purple spiral that I journey into, or journey out of, depending on the experience)
living from my soul, my gut;
my gift to the world, shining!
(depicted as rays emanating from my hands that are outstretched in offering)
(depicted as several squiggly purply spirals, not unlike the curls of my hair)
input, blogs,
research, books,
(depicted as direct lines coming in from all directions in more than one layer)
my health!
my kids' health!
(depicted as a big ol' smile-a-happiness)
♥ our simple
cozy home ♥
(depicted as our cute little minivan outline)
my dreams,
(depicted as energy lines bursting out into the universe)
(depicted as several teeny pink hearts floating in existence)
(depicted as a bloomin flower coming forth from rich green grass)
connection, oneness,
♥ Namaste ♥
(depicted as 2 hands together in solidarity and prayer)
roots & limbs,
sink & reach
(depicted as a hearty green spirally tree with rich purple spirally roots)

"Gratitude bestows reverence, allowing us to encounter everyday epiphanies, those transcendent moments of awe that change forever how we experience life and the world." - Sarah Breathnach

What moves you in gratitude?

Always sharing this space with you,

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

A Wild Sacred Circle

Hello, Darling :)

It is so delicious to be waking up with you this morning, and I can't wait to share with you what has been whispering to me recently. I really want to hear from you if this is something you want to come be a part of...

I don't know how long we have known each other.

Fourscore and 7 or 8 years ago, I had a page on MySpace where I played with HTML, gathered friends close, shouted out my radical soulidarity style activism, and shared the details of my growing interracial relationship and the pregnancy of my son. I was dubbed Radical Mama there, and am still dear friends with a few folks from those days :)

But after I had my son, I felt very drawn toward wanting to connect with other mamas very deeply about parenting.

What happened next transformed me into the mama and the woman you see me as today.

I joined a popular mothering site that was very mainstream, and I found a few alternative groups that really appealed to me. They helped me find words and spaces where I fit, like attachment parenting and crunchy mamas. With the words, the titles, the vocabulary, I was able to delve deeper into ways of being that resonated so deeply with me.

I wanted to be deeply involved with the many spaces that reflected me and helped me to grow through connecting with like mamas, but it was so hard. I wanted one space where I could gather diverse mamas with one common heart, and so I created my own niche.

I opened up a group and howled my metaphorical howl (the group description) to call my pack to me.

And they came.

And it was tear-sheddingly beautiful.

I had started a group called the Radical Mamas Group, but how it was co-created by every member, and the depths that we shared and loved, and the ways we stretched and grew deeper into our shared truths made us a tribe.

Before long, we were the Radical Mamas' Tribe.

Each of us were radical in our own ways - whether it was how sustainably we walked on the earth, how connectedly we parented our children, how woman-empoweredly we birthed them and climbed the mountains of our own journey and lived... We were all radical mamas aspiring to be even more radical, and we were a Tribe doing it ♥

It was the first time I felt the true deep connection of sisterhood. We were a giant group hug. Some of us needed support through trying times or circumstances, some needed information, some validation, some just connection with kindred mamas. Sometimes we came to be hugged, and sometimes we came to hug our sisters.

How I was stretched and grew completely revolutionized my life and transformed me as a parent and woman and a person.

This was the space where I first heard the words and callings toward unschooling, consensual living, unassisted birth, elimination communication, red tents, living completely off the grid, tribal living, and all the subtle pieces that seamlessly weaved themselves into my tapestry...

Each of us were both teachers and seekers, because of the vast topics we covered, like in a whole real life community.

Not only did I hear and learn about these things, but I had training wheels right there. Mama who were on various parts of their own journeys, who could hold my hand, love me, and guide me toward the resources that I could use to grow my own personal journey.

But this was so much more than learning information and growing as an individual. I wish words could capture and express the depths of the sisterhood, how we grew in ways of communication with each other, how we opened our hearts so wide and deep for each other in true and perfect trust and real love.

The way new members would come and read a few posts and get the vibe, the style of communication, the richness of our relationships, the way of the Tribe.

In the depths of our connection, we wanted to start a real life community, buy some land, start our own commune. We wanted more. It is why I still burn for a tribe, I still grow in ways that bring me closer to starting my own intentional community, I bring people in oh-so close and interact with them as if we were living a love letter of sisterhood.

It is why I can't wait to travel and meet these mamas who are my Tribe ♥

I grew so much.

I grew rapidly for the 3 years while in the Tribe, and I have grown through the process of leaving it and the 3 years of healing that has happened since. So many things I have learned about how I would do things differently. So many times I tried to recreate the Tribe without success.

And then it clicked.. I wasn't supposed to recreate the Tribe. I was supposed to create something new.

I just haven't been ready.

And then... it has started to creep up on me. A whisper here or there, an ache for sharing something with a deeply involved group, a calling toward being a purple shaman in close virtual quarters, a longing for a mentor in the capacity that a Tribe provides.

I woke up this morning with an idea for a forum: Loving Ourselves, where we could share our journeys, our challenges, our ways of being, our cup filling, our... anything. I would love to take that journey with you.

Is this a journey you are interested in taking with me and folks like us?

I haven't worked out the details completely, but it would probably be about $10 a month and be for wild sacred men and women, with private spaces for both.

I was made for creating these spaces. I draw the most incredible people to me. I would love to gather them all together in a space where we can commune, grow, talk, listen, feel, be.

Are you up for it?

Please let me know. If the comments section is acting funny, feel free to email me or contact me on facebook, k?

I love you. I love you. I love yooooooouuuuuu,

Monday, January 7, 2013

100+ Things to do in 2013+

Hello, Darling *script heart to you*

As part of my incredible 2013 planner, and inspired by goddess-style Leonie and rockin organic Tara, I started compiling a list.

Things I had always dreamed of.

Things I felt drawn toward experiencing for reasons much bigger and broader than I could ever understand right now - just like my calling to release my house and move into the RV and like the soft whisper I heard upon waking in 2013 to release the RV and experience simplicity in an even deeper level.

Things that made me go "oooh!" or "ahhhhhhhhh".

YES! ...those things, too.

I started listing (one of my favorite pass times since my teen years), and grew it over days, and then the most miraculous thing happened -- my 100 things spilled over. 101. 102...

Hmmm. So, I thought I would trim my list a bit. Create a separate list for "Life" and move some stuff over.

Oh, I may still do that, but for now, I am going to soak in what Tara said here about dreaming big and dreaming a little scary.

These things make me tingle.

Wanna join in on the tingling? :))

Here we tingle!

1. create a festival
2. sell at a farmers market
3. get another tattoo (my first is a teensy thing on my ankle that I got when I was 15 - an ankh with a peace sign I designed, but not done very well by the tattoo artist. Still, symbolic - eternal peace - and special because my mommy and I got tattoos together :)
4. go to an animal-friendly circus
5. collaborate on a product
6. have 3 e-courses available on website
7. do unravelling e-course
8. visit an intentional community
9. make a quilt
10. create a full art journal
11. paint a mural
12. go on a retreat
13. host a retreat
14. ride a horse (I used to ride them a lot, but haven't since my teens)
15. join/start a women's circle
16. get my nose pierced (again)
17. learn tarot
18. create a deck of cards
19. be $10,000 less in debt
20. visit another country
21. passports for the whole family
22. get Jaja a CA ID
23. get business legit
24. get tooth fixed
25. get kids teeth fixed (Noble - done! Jaja - no problems - yay! Kass next :))
26. read/complete Pixie's blog
27. Read Michael Brown's whole website (including blog)
28. hoop
29. take a dance class
30. take a roadtrip outside of CA
31. run an art camp
32. attend an unschooling conference
33. attend/start a hoop jam
34. start a "scripture study" (study something in depth with a few sisters, to start our day off on the right foot)
35. attend a drum circle
36. have monthly celebrations
37. get mehndi
39. write a bucket list
40. start a travel journal (when I travel, I want to document daily)
41. buy art journalling books
42. read Wild Women Who Run with the Wolves
43. complete 12 monthly challenges
44. complete whole alphabet city experiences (Tara wants to "Do something radical in Rhode Island" and something "vigorous in Vermont")
45. create & complete a travel busket list
46. attend a Rocky Horror Picture Show (haven't done that since I was like 6! My mom was so cool)
47. send 12 pieces of mail
48.create a business plan
49. have an intention party
50. go on a date with a kind man
51. visit my Tribe sisters
52. grow business to sustain us
53. catch up & stay on top of Glee and Walking Dead
54. marry myself (Leonie talked about that a couple years ago)
55. find a goddess to hold dearly
56. create goddess cards
57. read goddess stories to kids
58. make bed uber comfy
59. buy Kindle and convert books
60. craft for the kids
61. make art with the kids
62. learn how to knit
63. learn how to felt
64. decide what my Ph.D. is in & compile manifesto
65. research transpersonal psychology
66. experience an intensive mentorship
67. more sister time
68. blast my music more
69. meditate more
70. keep planners working
71. change name (to what? I don't know yet!)
72. do yoga (yin yoga calls to me)
73. sail to an island
74. get national Sea World passes
75. learn how to coach people
76. study Reiki
77. make a mosiac
78. experience weekly gatherings
79. make a physical photo album
80. simplify digital pictures
81. settle (do or sacred farewell) Mt Unfinished (so many unfinished projects in my life holding life clutter space)
82. leave a trail of lots of "You are beautiful"s
83. be more involved with the kids
84. create a power book (don't know what it is, but the name appealed to me! Whippeeeee!)
85. eat more aligned with values
86. enforce a real work week
87. dye my hair purple (maybe tips, maybe chunks, whatever it is, oh yeah! Purple shaman. That is me)
88. create a will
89. make shit out of my fabric
90. sing for an audience (The Voice?)
91. unravel overeating
92. write a song
93. fill a book with poetry
94. watch back seasons of The Voice
95. write a manifesto
96. write a fiction novel
97. form a band
98. walk around the YMCA bathroom/locker room naked
99. give blood
100. get 4 massages
101. go whale watching
102. skinny dip under a full moon
103. get in tough with animal guides
104. practice qi gong
105. make a vision board
106. learn dream stuff
107. do 24 moon rituals
108. finish Eat Pray Love book (audiobook?)
109. read The Red Tent

Can you see what huge projects an experiences I have in store for me?

Thank goodness I have cleared a big huge space in my life for experiences :))

What makes you tingle?

Loving you,

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Holy Canoles!

Hey, Beloved!!

I just had to come share a big new incredible shift that just transpired in our life.

I have been so on the fence about what to do with the RV for months. When I would decide to sell it, I would go inside it and feel so at home that I just didn't want to let it go.

We haven't been living in it since the first week of September. We boondocked in it a bit until October, but have been in the van since.

There is a big mess with parking tickets and expired registration. So, we were avoiding it to not draw attention to it, and because it was warmer and easier in the van. Then we grew to just really love living in the van.

Within the last week-ish, Kass and I had a heart-to-heart where we both shared our needs and semi-solidified our plans for 2013:
  • build up our income by the time Kass is out of school in mid-June
  • travel the second half of the year
  • then nestle into a house-home, complete with community, and if we are lucky some homesteading
Last night, while I was grabbing some dishes out of the RV, I realized that it didn't feel right. I have been clinging to it because of the incredible zen summer we had in it.

This morning, in that half-asleep almost-awake haze, my first thought of the new year was that I knew there was no reason or room for the RV in our life, and I need to let it go. How can I embrace that next incredible chapter if I am still clinging to that last incredible chapter?

I will always have that amazing zen summer in my heart... I don't need to try to recreate it. I don't have time to now. My life is heading in a different direction. A delicious and amazing new direction.

I ended up talking with a friend of mine this evening about my idea to just sell it to someone for $1,000 + the price of the parking tickets, which would be ideal for someone who can either take it out of state to register it or park it on some property, because they would never need to pay that $1,000+ in tickets and registration fees.

And he thought for a moment and then tossed out an idea to me that he was interested in getting a bigger RV for him and his dog. He owns property in Idaho and could take it out there to register it. And as we talked more about how we could work it, we realized it was perfect for both of us in so so many ways!!!!

Oh, Universe, that was quick, even for you!!


So, I will be cleaning the RV out over the next day or 2, and then I will be driving it to it's new home.


I will grieve losing her.

I will probably have a releasing ceremony.

I want to honor her.

But not until I have finished preparing her for her new family and home, whom she is perfect for.

No sadness yet.

Now comes the fun part for me: sorting through everything we will own, whittling it down even further into the tightest pile of stuff that we would want to pay storage for a year for.

I keep wondering what is worth the cost of that.

How extreme minimalist can I go? :))

The lists have begun.....

If all goes as planned, we will see you in a few days!

This Rockin' New Year

Hey, Love!

Are you as excited about 2013 as I am??

I am gushing with enthusiasm.

I got so inspired by the goddess-style Leonie's 2013 Incredible Year Workbook for Self and the one for Biz. It really got my gears moving for 2013 and also invited me to give myself permission to ease up on myself about 2012 and to celebrate the lessons from it.

Hey, 2012 was the year of truly finding zen, of finding my brightest shining light, of humbling myself, surrendering, and being bathed in blessings + gratitude.

I had so many walls around me, walls I had created to keep stuff out, walls that no longer served my life, because it wasn't until they all came crashing down that I really deeply truly got it.

The walls I thought were protecting me were keeping the lessons out. It was an exquisitely painful + deliciously quickening gush of release when that wall went down with sobs and shakes... I felt cracked open. Open and vulnerable. Raw. And that is when I got it.

This was definitely a lesson in loving myself.

Isn't it all?

I could base my entire life of learning around unpeeling the layers from simplicity.

Now that I have soaked in so much, recharged my batteries, surrendered in 2012, I am ready for something altogether different for 2013.

I started exploring and soaking in Leonie's incredible workbook. It was incredible.

But just not enough. I needed more. Deeper. Thorough.

So, I took it on a journey, along with my own Big Life Planner, Organizer, and Inspirer, and my current flow of needs, and I designed my own workbook/planner for 2013 :))

It's like a Leonie + me lovechild :))

Wanna peek at it?

I'm just s'gosh darn proud of it!

There are actually 2 (1 wasn't big enough)

One of my favorite things about these little books of my life are that they were created of $2 mini composition books. They are working books, and so if they need to be kissed good-bye, it is totally doable, and I wasn't worried about messing anything up, of using too many pages (I just bought another one).I could embrace my imperfectionist, my budding artist.

I like the way they bend in my hands, really pliable and perfect heaviness. Just yummy for my needs :)

I wanted a little book that held every simple thing that I wanted to have on hand. I can't wait to give you a tour of the inside ♥

I haven't done much with the outside, as you can tell :) In fact, I might just leave it as is *shrug* Who knows.

I designed it to be everything, so when my needs change, I will probably buy a whole nuther book and have at it again :))

Ready to see the inside?

I will share a few pics and fill in the gaps with descriptions.

The Life book was my first.

Inside cover - description of book + family mission statement
The next page is a list of my life areas + my values. Always nice to have on hand :)


"Gratitude bestows reverence,
allowing us to encounter everyday epiphanies,
those transcendent moments of awe
 that change forever how we experience life and the world. 
                             - Sarah Ban Breathnach
The next page is "In case the suckies strike" and include 7 things I will now remember to do:
  • visit my planners (they are full of so much soul deliciousness)
  • journal/dig
  • call a friend
  • read a book
  • read a soulful blog
  • put on music
  • treat myself
The next page is a reading (of 12 cards for 12 months) that I did for myself for 2013, using my new Yule gift to me:
INCREDIBLE deck, so deep and soulful, thoughtful
I used those 12 cards to realize my word for the year. I knew it would have something to do with spirit, grow, build, travel, money, learning, wellness movement.

My word for 2013 is... ready for it?

I am ready to do some moving in my life. In fact, I am quite ecstatic about it.
Then I listed what I hope to get out of 2013 on the next page.
And the next page(3) is
SO.FREAKIN.EXCITED about this list.
In fact, I might have gone a tad overboard. (Did you see #1? lol)
Have to evaluate what is a "life" list and what is for 2013 :)
Then I made a page of my favorite words (like radiant, shine, magic, bold, brilliant, +) and my favorite verbs (like cultivate, be, embrace, practice, inspire, tumble, +). Just seeing those words lifts me up. Seriously.

I have one of these for each of my life areas:
Self, Family, Schedule, Home, Family Learning, Livelihood, Partner, Tribe, Community, Travel
 On each of those pages, I highlighted keywords, and then on the back of each page, I made a "How to plan this intention" page, with lists of what I can do for each highlighted area. Planning for success over here ;)
The next page is Simple Truths, like "trust - lean or breathe into it" and "we are each on our own journeys" and "intervene or anger = fear", to gently whisper to me, when I am feeling out of sorts about something.
And next is my celebration of my 2013 word: move! I also did a bit of insploring about what I can foresee might need to be released to make "move" happen, and also what I might want to manifest, invite, cultivate.
How I want my gorgeous goddess body to feel in 2013.
a quiet, peaceful mind; an open (loud speaker) throat (to get my voice out there);
an open heart, powerful arms; an opening (a spiral journey from the inside to out) stomach;
and strong legs.
Cliff Notes to some of my favorite practices and tools for excavating and re-centering
The next page is Habits to Cultivate Flow, and listed are soul-delicious stuff like "morning routine", "circle with women", "more music", and other stuff I want to do more often :)
Next is a daily checklist, followed by what our typical day looks like.
Then a weekly checklist, with what our typical week looks like.
A monthly checklist (complete with what kinds of stuff to talk about at our monthly family pow-wow), and what our months usually look like.
Lists of toys each of our family member wants to invite into their life :)
After that comes our month specific stuff. 
  • a page for budgeting
  • a to do list (sectioned by areas of our life, to ensure the list is thorough)
  • a monthly inspiration page (for words, pics, drawings, etc. to stay aligned with each month - and to revisit next year to see how similar or different it is)
  • a monthly calendar
  • and a page with school subjects to preserve what we learned each month through joyful living :)
December's Inspiration was just words - yummy nevertheless :)
SO MUCH FUN listing things to do throughout the month, crossing them off, and scribbling off days :)
The 8th column is for blog post ideas :)
And that is my life planner.

That was a hearty chunk a stuff, huh?

So, I think a brain break might be good before pursuing the unveiling of the Biz + Creative Project planner :)

Let me just tell you how much I adore these little books.

They make my life so much easier and more efficient right now. That isn't always what I am looking for in life, but when I SO am (like right now in life), this so hits the spot!!

Part of this whole thing has been creating it myself, working it all out. The workbook aspect of the whole thing was a delicious way to prepare for the new year.

I wrote 2013 so many times in December that I was dating EVERYTHING 2013 ever since lol Even unconsciously, I couldn't wait for this new year :)

My business & creative projects planner was borne of my knowing that the 2 are one and the same :) My business is all the stuff I want to do in the world and share with the world + making a business of it, so I can support my family and aligned lifestyle from it.

The business aspect of it is so fun and so new to me! Developing the Biz workbook has been prompting me to explore what it is about business that I want to learn and highlight my love of.

I've used almost half the book so far, and this is what I've got...

This inner cover is a deep and soulful space to set my intention for the rest of the book :)

The first page is my Business & Livelihood Mission Statement, and a space to remember why I design & manifest creative projects.

An invite to dream with wild abandon :)

Then I revisited (and clarified) my business intentions for 2013
 and how to plan each of those highlights in lists and action steps, for success, y' know :)

Next came, things I'd like to learn in 2013 - the first thing on my list was to figure out what exactly a business plan was and how to create one. I am thrilled to announce that I didn't wait for 2013 to do that! lol I read a whole book from the library in 2 days! More on that in a minute.

sites + mentors + books to guide me

People I would love to collaborate with.

Website or blog styles I dig

Ways (mediums) to connect with people - both online + in person :)))

Life things I love to connect on - self, parenting, home, simple living, sacred living, learning... Coming soon: business, travel, Tribe, body, love/partnerships, house, community... (probably in that order)

My favorite, favorite things in the world!! And some idea of direction ;)

Marketing places

Marketing ideas

Folks who do stuff like I do (known by others as "competitors" - thank my heart this is an industry of love and connect. Not the same atmosphere as some others.). I love this list. It make my heart swell to know I am working in to same heart web as these incredible people!

Ways I will be okay while my business grows

In preparation for creating my own business plan:






Technical goals for 2013. 100 blog posts for 2013 means about 2 a week. 12 e-zines loveletters. 12 videos. Oh, yeah, baby. Here I come, 2013!! :))

Work schedule ideas. These do not apply until I am feeling like I need a break from this stuff lol

Soul deliciousness, soul sabbatical, soul rejuvenation.
followed immediately with a business retreat, strategy day, weekly business attunement.
Speaking of soul deliciousness...

And then

Followed by January To  Dos, February To Dos, and March To Dos.

Then the 2nd Quarterly Goals and to do lists for each of those months.


And finally (so far), places to start organizing what needs to be done in various business areas, in a way that is impermanent and physically manipulative. I got this idea after re-finding The Right-Brain Business Plan:

The post-it notes allow me to manipulate each goal by listing stuff to make it possible below and then tossing them when complete, without wasting lines or pages in the book on temporary goals.

In addition to Business Stuff, I have Product Stuff, Money Stuff, e-books in the mix, e-courses in the mix, workshops in the mix, and gatherings in the mix.

The remaining pages are for exploring the details of some of my favorite projects of all time :)

Yum. Yum. Yum. I feel like I just savored a delicious holiday cookie. Oh, well, I did. But these journals are pretty darn delicious, too, eh?

I hope they gave you taste of what is in store around here in this new year, and I hope that they inspire you to find your own lists of stuff that is oh-so important to you in the new year.

Over the next couple weeks, I will be sharing some of it in more depth, like my 100 Things to do in 2013 (squeefest!!)

Until then, what kinds of things are you doing to celebrate and fare-thee-well to 2012, and bring in the new and incredible 2013?

All my love (and that's a LOT of love!),