Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Wild horses couldn't drag me from this life right now. I am water, and I am in my flow, and I cannot be stopped. Rocks may stand in my way, but slide right by without breaking my stride.

On Facebook I recently wrote, "I JUST WANT TO BURST OUT OF THIS F*CKING LIFE!!!!!!! I am so tired of the sandbags holding me down and holding me back from the greatness within me that wants to explode into my reality! I feel like cobwebs are sticking to me, and I'm about to go ninja on their butts! Gawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwd!!!! Just get me the f*ck out of here already."

Forgive the F-bombs -- they seem to spill out of me in times of explosions :))

I want to talk about the bolded part, though.

I feel like this lifestyle is going to lighten my load in life. I am so super-simple, and having this house and all the responsibilities and limits that come with them stops me from putting that energy into living and experiencing.

Everyone prioritizes what they value. Some value having a house and lots of beautiful and useful things. When you don't have those things to take up energy, what do you have? Well, I will be telling you in about a month :))

It seems that I will have a teeny little comfortable space that requires my energy, a space that is do-able and perfect for me, with lots of left-over energy for other things in my life. What I need lots of is closeness with my family and reflection time.

I am also anticipating having the energy to get more involved with community and events, since we can carry our home over and have it close-by when needed. Living to the extreme northwest of our county has meant lots of driving, if we want to do anything. Also, driving our home means that I don't have to have the kids all ready to go and everything packed up before we head out the door to go somewhere -- I am really looking forward to being punctual! LOL

Since our expenses will be so much less, it seems we will finally have the kind of income where we can enjoy places we previously couldn't afford. I am very much looking forward to taking my kids to some wonderful and exciting places, as well as some peaceful and beautiful places. I want to give my kids the most of what I feel is important -- family closeness, simple living, and an abundance of experiences :))

I have been reading blogs, talking with people, researching places to go, and making my own plans for about a year. I feel like I have been engaged for a year and tomorrow (when our RV is being delivered) is when I marry the road-life. I'm ready, and there is no turning back now.

It will be a month-long hand-fasting, where we will exchange vows of commitment in the form of financial, emotional, and time investment as I renovate the RV and learn about myself during the process of having free-reign over owning my own home. I am so excited about this upcoming experience. Tomorrow, we sign the papers ♥

I'm so ready. I've only been waiting a couple weeks for this RV, but I've been waiting my whole life for this road life. Enough preparation, I'm ready to touch this life, ready to deal with the tangible stuff, ready to feel my dreams materializing.

And the best part is that this is just the first step in the whole journey ahead of us in life. Who KNOWS where this step may take us :) Who KNOWS where we may be in a year, in 3 years, in 10 years. OH, the universe is full of limitless possibilities!!!

I'm ready!

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