Thursday, February 2, 2012

Amazon Warrior Monk Rockstar

I shaved my head to release my attachment to my hair and my attachment to my idea of beauty. I thought it was going to be a lesson in embracing the ugly. I knew it would humble and "right" me in ways I could not even know yet.

I shaved my head as a symbolic piece to a cleansing formula of my life. I released who I was to find out who I am. I let go of the old and opened up to the new. I could feel my head opening up to the universe, pouring in enlightenment and Oneness.

I felt strong, like an Amazon Warrior, and I quickly took to resonating with the title Amazon warrior monk.

I wasn't expecting to feel more radiant and sexy than I remembered ever feeling before. I felt so fresh, so alive, so free. Just wow.

And now a new chapter of this shaved head experience is emerging... I went out to a club with a few GORGEOUS friends a couple weeks ago. I kept feeling the pull to go to a club and experience some place that is so "superficial" while aligned deeply with my unattachment to my hair and my old beauty ideal. The most surprising thing happened! I haven't had so much attention and guys buying my drinks and so much FUN since I was 60 pounds lighter with blond curls down to my butt. I was a show-stopper! Wowsers!!! Suddenly, my shaved head was the "new emerging hair style that few could pull off but I did so well". Whoodathunk! So now I feel kinda like a rockstar, and I have taken to accentuating my eyes, since they POP with a shaved head :)

Everywhere I go, people rave about my shaved head. I didn't think I was going into this as "my new hairstyle" -- it was just an experience, and I was ready to get quick about growing my curls back out before I'd even shaved my head. But now, I am really feeling ROCKING this shaved head.

I feel bold and powerful. I know this was "supposed" to be the year of aligning with my "right" in preparation of stepping into my power. But "rightness" was so short-lived, and boldness seems to be my pathway to powerful. Rightness, as it turns out, didn't need to be done (like cleaning the house), but something I live, like stretching for a long walk. And I am suddenly feeling READY to be powerful.

I am learning more and more that my fears are usually just not being ready, they are sort of excuses for my gut feeling of not being ready for something. I love sinking into that readiness (or not-readiness, as the case may be) and living life a bit and seeing how it automatically corrects itself over a bazillion little moments between my acknowledgement that I am not ready and that moment when I realize "oh yeah, baby, here we go!"

Maybe without my hair, I move free-er and so am ready sooner? LOL I don't know. But I am so ready. I am ready to manifest this power and channel some AMAZINGNESS in this upcoming year. I am bold. I am powerful. I am not a watered down version of me. I am not shy. I am an Amazon warrior monk rockstar... women-circling tribe-creating goddess guru. Oh yes, this is me :) Trailblazer. Firestarter.

p.s. - my wardrobe has become more bright and brilliant, too. Pics to come :))

p.s.s. - I wrote this for Tara's blog:

It was perfect, a part of the deep cleansing I was doing, a way to take what was inside and wear it outside, a symbol of new transformation in my life. I thought it was going to be a lesson in embracing my ugly – I wasn’t expecting to feel so radiant and sexy! I have bounds of clarity, especially in what is “other people’s stuff” and what’s mine (like how some people can see my beauty, some feel shaving my head is weird, and some people were way more attached to my curls than even I was). Sometimes I feel like a monk ripe with readiness for enlightenment, and sometimes I feel like a gypsy goddess extraordinaire. One thing is for sure, this is the mark of a new beginning for me. I feel reborn. I have been making some serious space in my life over the past few months, and I look forward to growing with my hair and appreciating it all in new ways. My curls are not what make me beautiful – I am.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Nice to catch up with you again, I loved reading your blog, and then almost forgot about it.

I've been negotiating wiht myself whether or not to shave off my hair, too, for much the same reasons as you. I've done it once, when starting high school, and loved the feeling. I was a bit feared by classmates until they figured out I was a nerd, not a neo-nazi.

But now... I'm not so bold (bald?) anymore :D