Sunday, March 31, 2013

Another Rebirth

Hi, Love :)

You know, I used to think that every transformation was the biggest, most everlasting one.

Now, I really understand the cycle of birth, life, death, and rebirth. And now that I have embraced impermanence and living life to the fullest, the cycles seem to swirl in my life so much more and faster.

I think the seasons bring an emphasis on certain aspects of the cycles, as I live them - in the winter, I feel and dwell deeply in the death-rebirth part of the cycle as I swirl in my life, and in the spring I am flowing and flying with the birth-life part of the cycle.

As a homegrown Pagan, I connected deeply with celebrating Ostara on the first day of Spring, but I feel the big energy of so many celebrating Easter today. It got me thinking what it all means tome this year around :)

Being of Pagan origins, I am well aware of the tension about the origins of holidays.

This year, I feel a deeper inclusiveness, a deeper oneness, and so I wanted to share a status I left on Facebook today:
I love looking for the common thread, the universal message. We are one. This time of year is all about rebirth, and the diversity of celebration is like colors in a painting -- the more, the more vibrant and beautiful ♥
There are so many ways to celebrate this season (and the other seasons), and I just love the beautiful diversity on this earth I share with my brothers and sisters.

our eggs circa 2011
This year, my kids and I celebrated the first day of Spring by eating chocolate eggs, laying on a blanket in the sunshine soaking up the green at the park, and talking a lot about the changing of seasons and where I understand some traditions to have originated.

Today, the bunny came and brought my kids and I toys and candy and chocolate eggs (surprise from my mom), and the kids played. We didn't get around to dying eggs, but they didn't mind.

I am learning to let things go. Living so nomadically makes some things not worth it, and that is okay. This is 1 year out of our life, and maybe next year we will be stationary enough and have the stillness and space to plan elaborate homemade celebrations.

I do love me a good celebration and reasons to craft ;)

I look forward to lots of that when we are in our homesteading era of life :))

The bulk of my rebirth energy this weekend has been on my little online tribe. Revamping yet again. Preparing it to open to the world as a nonpaid membership/donation only, and only for women. Subject to change LOL

What are you rebirthing?

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