Friday, August 13, 2010

This Fresh Start

So, I am really loving this new place we moved to :) I am a big fan of change and leaving baggage where it belongs and of feeling fresh and alive :) This new place holds so much potential, so many opportunities to dig down, plant some roots, feel at home, and enjoy living. Because the house is medium (not small, as I was previously saying), it is maintainable with minimal energy, which leaves energy for other things, like creating a beautiful yard with a garden and taking care of it, like just playing with my kids, like getting really into cooking for my family, like finding new adventures! Oh, life is good :) I feel like this move has invigorated and rejuvenated me! I feel like I can finally live the life I have been wanting to live! I look forward to getting serious enjoying life :)) I have a huge list of ideas of things to do and research and share on here :) Wow, life is just so full of opportunities, like a smorgasbord of delicious and nutritious experiences waiting to be dived into and savored :)) Life is good stuff :)

1 comment:

mb said...

yay mama! so good to hear that the move is all done and you're settling into your new digs. love the sound of you guys having a yard and a garden! :)