Friday, December 3, 2010

Updates, Deschooling, and Self Love

So, I promised to get serious about this blog, and in my journey I purchased the domain name "Our Wildcrafted Life". This is HUGE! I am excited about using this blog as a form of expression and advocacy for all the things in life I am passionate about and want to connect with people about. I am thrilled! Another reason why this is huge is because I am kind of a commitment-phobe when it comes to names, and the fact that I purchased a domain name for this blog shows how comfortable I am with this name. I love it SO much and think it can last in our fast-changing lives :))

So, now that I have purchased a domain name, my next order of business is the actual blog. A face lift seems in order (more on that later), and I am going to do all that technical stuff (publish drafts that were unfinished thoughts, tag the posts I have been doing via iPhone, and probably more).

I have been reading some great blogs recently, and I have so many ideas for this blog! I'm so excited to get in my groove here :))

Aaaaand, my previous-drafts-now-published. Mind you, they are a bit raw, unfinished, just bits to chew on, I guess. And there will be more, possibly several more :)

Deschooling (May 23, 2010)
I read this awesome article about deschooling. I have been thinking about unschooling in our life and specifically the role of deschooling. I recently heard someone use the term "detoxing" to describe this same process of "undoing/unlearning" some unnatural or at least (un-our) ways of doing things. We have been unschooling for about 2.5 years (with a 4 month private-school detour smack-dab in the middle, only because I was taking a lot of classes one semester and didn't want my oldest to go to a daycare -- I knew she'd be bored out of her mind). I still feel us deschooling, especially in various life areas (as we realize who's way we are doing things -- it's a process for us). I feel our family blossoming into unschooling, too. it is easy for me to follow my passions and research whatever is interesting to me. I lived a very interest-driven childhood. Noble has always been unschooled, so nothing new for him. I guess Kass is the part of the puzzle that I see blossoming. It has taken some time to undo the constructed motivations and methods used in public schools, so she can construct her own ways of learning and what to learn. She has found some new interests and let go of some others (maybe temporary?). I think of unschooling-style projects being ones that she self-initiates, enjoys in depth, and exercises her creativity (not just "arts and crafts" type of creativity). She has been doing more and more of these recently. It feels extra special :) I know I am placing extra value on these things, and I very much value everything that she has interest in and enjoys, regardless of the "perceived quality" of the activity or the amount of depth involved or creativity. It's just extra special to me when it involves my 3 favorites :)) I often hear parents showing concern about activities their children enjoy, concern that they will never get their fill, concern that they aren't learning or that they could learn more doing something else, concern of how it looks to outsiders. I never worried about those things -- okay, I have had flickers of the last one, but ground myself in my truth and dig my heels in real deep -- I know that my insecurities are felt deeper than any physical concerns.

This one I titled "Self Love" and it is an excerpt from an article (entitled "Your Own Opinion of You Affects the Entire Universe") that doesn't seem to exist now... ? I was going to post this on June 16, 2010.
Abraham Hicks is a big name for Law of Attraction. You can search YouTube for videos, and the internet for articles, books, the official website, etc. I just wanted to share this bit that I really loved and have collected elsewhere:
I really don't give a rip what any of you are thinking because none of you have concentrated upon me fairly. None of you have really known - none of you know who I am, none of you know how I am from Source, none of you have walked in my shoes. Nobody knows. Nobody knows. I have accepted this feeling of unappreciation unfairly and I've practiced it, and I'm no longer gonna do it.

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