Sunday, May 22, 2011


People talk a lot about nutrition. Nutrition, to me, is like the spirit, the head, meditation, yoga, tranquility, zen. Important in its own right.

Nourishment, to me, is more like stuff of the soul, living from the stomach, following one's internal compass without judgment, living one's truth. It follows whims and doesn't have to be quiet or reverant.

Nutrition counts the calories and the vitamins on a food label. Nourishment checks internally to see if it is hitting the spot.

Nutrition can listen to experts on what is healthy and best, but nourishment knows no one "outside" can begin to know what what "inside" me needs better than I do.

Nourishment is a kind of fulfillment and a feeling of substance.

Nourishment, for me, can be a green smoothie, or it can be a pint of ice-cream, whatever my soul needs.

Nourishment goes beyond food, though, too. Nourishment is physical, and it's also emotional and mental and soulful. Nourishment can come through spending some sisterhood time with a beloved. Nourishment can come from laughing through a board game with the family. Nourishment can come from a long (uninterrupted) candle-lit bath.

Nourishment is kinda like healing, without the assumption that there is some ailment to heal. Nourishment is like healing something that isn't wounded. It's like giving something a blessing.

The concept of nourishment fills some gaps in my life and in my family. I didn't want to see some things as "broken" or "hurt" or "needing fixing/healing". I can provide nourishment to someone who is not lacking in some way and I prefer to see people as whole and complete. The concept of nourishment helps me flow through the space I want to hold for people who I sense just need a bit "more". It doesn't have to mean there is anything wrong with what is.

My family is due some nourishment :)) In some ways it has already begun. Kassidy's computer broke a couple days ago, and she has been adjusting to an unplugged life, where the option for mental stimulation has been to connect with me and her siblings. I hadn't realized how absent she had really been until I realized how delicious it has been to spend more time with her. Without the option to spend every waking moment in her room with the door closed, she has been venturing out to compromise with Noble about what they can watch together on my computer. I really loved getting her and Noble their own things last year, so they didn't have to share -- it was perfect for the time (she was too angry and needed some space, and he was too young and had totally different interests), and now it feels perfect to have her interacting with us again on things. Having her interacting with us more feels like it is nourishing our family ♥

Speaking of nourishment, with this mostly-empty house, we have been able to really shift our energy to the basics (one of my biggest reasons for wanting to live so simply) like preparing food. I have been cooking/preparing up a storm in the kitchen :))) I look forward to Kass cooking with me in the future. She is an awesome chef, and we can have lots of fun working together to create ways of continuing to nourish our family :)) We were talking yesterday about her giving me 3 weeks of feeding her whole and nourishing foods. I very much believe that we are what we eat, and so Kassidy is currently Top-Roman and Arizona iced tea. I can think of more nourishing things I would love for her to be :))) I know what we eat impacts our moods and mental activity, etc. I look forward to seeing what path this diet may take her down, even if she chooses to return to her current diet after the experiment :))

A child who said she was too old to sleep with me a few weeks ago and couldn't sleep at night is curled up asleep at 10pm with her head on my leg ♥

I am already loving this life.

Let the nourishment begin ♥

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