Sunday, April 3, 2011

Livin' in March

It's been about a month since I posted some snapshots of our life, so I guess I am due for a post on that :)))

A day of balloons, right after Noble's birthday -- Noble wanted to show off his tricks

Najaia had to get in on the fun :))

While Kai was sick, the cats allowed him close, and they kinda bonded

He bonded even more deeply with us, too <3

Kass made this to hang in our big window, and it looks like stained glass against the sun :) So beautiful :))

My friend, Karina's birthday :)))

I am so proud of this cake, so had to take another pic. It was SO delicious, too!

Noble and Najaia clipped clip-on-earrings in my hair :))

I cut my hair (too short) and made the most of it :))

Started getting creative with things I could put in my hair -- this was made from scraps from my curtains :))

This is also a scrap from my curtains :))))))

So cute -- another angle :)

I look so dyke here :)) I love it ;)

Najaia helping nurse Kai back to health (hand-feeding him)

They got really close during this ordeal <3

Went to visit my stepkids. Here is Kass with Izayah (12 yrs old)

Jakqel couldn't get enough of Najaia :))

Noble loved him some Jakqel :))

Most of the crew :))

These 2 were partners in crime :))

Speaking of partners in crime :))))

March 2011
March 2007

Just bein cute -- he loves to sleep with his head on our pillows :)))

The newest fun in our house -- the water table! Every day or so we find something new to put in it and play with, but even nothing but water works!!! :))

Even Kai likes to play :)))

So, that was a bit of March. I am not so good at taking pics of so many things we do. Partly because my camera doubles as my ipod, so if we are listening to music, I usually don't get a pic, and also because usually I am involved in most of the things, so I don't get a lot of pics. I think I have a remedy for that... We shall see <3

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