Saturday, April 2, 2011

I Met The Organic Sister

...about 2 weeks ago, but I had just cause to only post about it now, I promise :))

Firstly, we thought we were going to get together again before she left (which was Monday). Secondly, I have been creating away on my big surprise! And lastly, and most importantly, I needed it's impact to set in before I could do a post justice.

Lemme tell you a bit about The Organic Sister, (the online identity and the person, Tara) for me. I resonate so deeply with her blog that when I deleted my subscriptions to all blogs I was following (except my personal friends), she was 1 of 3 ("strangers") blogs I didn't cancel my subscription to. He blog speaks deep within my soul, it speaks deeply FOR my soul. In addition to her being a whole-life unschooler, she knows that "organic" is much more than just preservative-free foods. Organic is living life from the inside out, and she definitely does that :) Her organic ways of passionately living and creating her soul's purpose (like that "Organic" graphic on my sidebar) are inspiring to me like a soul guide. For example, my favorite part about her life: her family travels full-time in an RV home on wheels :))))) She inspires me all over the place... More about my own journey with that later :) On to the visit....

So, we went over last Monday, to their little RV spot for a potluck with other TOS fans :) We were the first ones there (no surprise given my enthusiam, but HUGE surprise if you know me well enough to know that I am painstakingly late to EVERYTHING, including our own parties LOL).

I was SO scared that I was gonna be starstruck LOL I was afraid I was gonna want an autograph or something LOL As we were preparing to go, I was having all those haunting things I feel when meeting really cool people, about not being "enough" of something or the other. But I remembered, this is The Organic Sister, and she started a site called Sustainable Baby Steps - of COURSE she will understand that we are moving in that direction but aren't fully there yet.

I have this horrible anxiety when it comes to meeting people face-to-face that I have connected so well with online. On more than one occasion, I have had pretty heart-breaking experiences of meeting people who I connected with so beautifully online fall apart in person. So, I was scared the enchantment would be broken, among other things.

And then we knocked on the door, and Tara answered, and I felt like I was being reunited with an old friend <3 I'd seen her pictures, seen her move and talk on video. It felt like down-to-earth reuinion, for me <3 I coulnd't believe how awesomely easy it was for me to be present with her and the other amazing new and already-established friends who visited that day, too :)

We got a tour of Jazz (their new RV - a 5th wheel), and it was surreal being in a space I had seen in a video tour a week or so before. As we were sitting there throughout the day, I just kept having these little completely-distracting moments of catching something that I remembered from the video. It was totally cool.

Meeting new friends ROCKED. I am so happy about the awesome (LOCAL!) families I met that day, especially ones who are making plans to buy and RV and head out onto their own adventures :)) It was great to talk with people about their plans and see more clearly where I stand with my own :)))) It felt like a radical unschooling parkday - the kids were playing all over to their childhood heart's contents and the adults were partaking in the delicious discussions that happen when likeminded folk gather. It was peace.

Speaking of friends, a dear family (the Leapley's) who started coming to our radical unschooling parkday last year also joined us :))) When I first met this family, I knew I loved them. I felt a spark, a click, a connection, and the months since (and recently) have assured me that it is real and mutual <3 They are one of the realest, funnest family's I have had the honor of meeting :)) The day we met, they were 4 children, 1 dad, and a pregnant mom <3 Now, they are 5 children deep (and gonna stop "when they come out ugly" LMAO) and getting out into their RV on the road next month, after a conversation we had at the first parkday I met them about my plans to hit the road, which they grew into their own lives :))) I am sad to lose their presence, but SO excited to see them head off on their journey. And I'd be missing a crucial bit if I didn't add that a part of me wants to stow away in their closet (except it's not big enough for me and all my kids and furried loves). When I am ready to hit the road, I will be their caravanning shadow :))) I love them to pieces, each of their 7 pieces <3 I am just THRILLED to see their new exciting journey ahead of them :) And to think it all grew from a conversation I had with them about roadschooling and introducing them to a few blogs, like The Organic Sister :)) It was really cool to see the family at the Organic Sister Gathering :)))

My family, Tara's, and the Leapleys :))
Kassidy had SUCH a blast with all the older kids to romp around with. The Leapley's older kids are some of her favorites in the whole world, and Kass and Tara's son, Zeb got along famously. I couldn't believe the instant connection :) Even on the drive home, as we had our long and deep talks that happen when we are driving, the conversation kept being redirected back to her enjoyment of Zeb :) He was so sweet and fun and generous (he gave Kass and the Leapley kids some YuGiOh cards, and he gave Kass his rip board!!!). At the risk of embaressing her, I just have to share a bit of his sweetness and her growing <3 Kass said, after talking with her friend Ava about husbands so much recently (they have their whole futures planned out: kids, animals, names, husband qualities, Alaska, jobs... so fun to watch it unfold), Kass said that Zeb would make a good husband someday. He is so kind and cute, too ;)

Speaking of amazing connections, I couldn't believe how comfortable Najaia was with Tara. Jai is usually fine with strangers until they look at her or try to talk with her, in which case Jai draws inward and away from them, but something about Tara drew Jai in. She didn't draw away from her invitingness, and even let Tara hold her and offer her things :)) It was a beautiful little union ♥

As the day wound down, I was starting to get a real feel for the appreciation of a tribe. Our kids had SO much fun playing -- obviously:

Could that picture get any better? That is the oldest daughter of Kim, who I am delighted to find I have more and more in common with :)))

He's too cool for lots of things, like smiling or wearing his shoes on the feet they were made for :)))) I adore every bit of this boy ♥
After a long hard day of play and exploration (as if those 2 things were seperate lol), Najaia took a much-needed nap :)))


And after she woke up, I managed to snag a pic of the 2 of them in one of Najaia's new outfits from her Auntie MB, who runs a sustainable business in Oregon, called Earth Huggy ♥

Better pics of the outfit coming very soon (now that the weather has warmed up).

I am always moved by tribe-type days, and I want more and more of them. I savor days like this, where the playing is child-guided and a joy to witness, and the adult conversation heals the soul and breathes air under it's wings ♥

This visit with Tara and the rest of the awesome families inspired my new big surprise that I can't wait to share with you all (probably tomorrow). Until then ♥


Nikki Starcat Shields said...

Life has so many wonderful connections, and the web we're all weaving, online and in "real" life (and the dream realms of course!) is so sparkly and amazing! I too follow the Organic Sister blog, and are glad you got to meet a colleague and someone who is so inspiring.

mb said...

yay, so fun to read this! it was great to see that picture from "in the moment" and thank you for the link love of course. ;) i will repeat here what i said to you via text, which is that i am as jealous of her getting to meet you as i am of you getting to meet tara!!! :)