Tuesday, February 15, 2011


I gave my blog a fresh new look! Please come by and see it, whether you are subscribed via e-mail or you follow via blogger :) This artful, fun, and beautiful look is just what my energy needed to get seriously serious about this blog. I plan to post more pictures (I was doing that, then started just posting them to Facebook -- don't feel singled out, I wasn't even emailing them to friends and family!), and I plan to post more content.

Here comes a confession. I really want this blog to be successful (such a subjective word, I know -- but let's say "inspiring people to make big changes in their lives"). I haven't been very clear about this (or it would be happening already), because I am have been afraid of success, because I am have been afraid of giving it my all and being disappointed in the results. I don't want to be results-oriented, but this kind of seeps up on me :/

A bit more insight... I have felt successful at posting things that changed people's lives, in a limited venue that fell apart -- it was a stepping stone in this journey, I know. But I had given it my ALL for 2 years and have so little to show for it now. I can't begin to tell you how much I wish I had posted all that stuff here!!

And a sneek peek into the future... I don't plan to be a watered-down version of myself anymore. I have been overcoming my fears concerning wording things in such a way that someone won't like what I have to share. I'm over that. I'm just gonna be the best me I can be. I'm gonna shout my truth from mountain tops and let people take it as they will on their own journey. I won't be for everyone. I am not trying to appeal to everyone -- I want to speak deeply to a few. I won't be offended if anyone stops following me :) I also might not respond to comments that flame me. But I do plan to dance through my life, tunes blasting, inviting people to join in, and loving the unfolding of the barefoot dance of a whole family living our wildcrafted life...

And because I said I'd post more pictures, here is the embodiment of wild zen to me.
(I have no clue who to give credit for this pic to -- let me know if you do!)


mb said...

ohhhh mama!!! a big hug to you on this particular post. i haven't commented on all of the flurry of new posts, but let me say i have enjoyed the reading. :) and this post... well, i so totally hear you and know the background (a lot of it) and well, i can totally get where you are at and am glad to see that you are moving through it (what i guess i would call the grief process? idk...) anyway i'm excited to see what's in store, and happy to see what is already here. :) you rock!

Nova said...

Thank you, MB!! <3 Yes, you were there from the get-go <3 And I didn't need everyone from the other place to follow me through life afterward -- just a few, and I'm so blessed you are one of them <3 I love traveling through this life journey with you <3