Friday, February 18, 2011

Wild Zen

I have this picture of how I would write this. "Wild" would be written long and raw, like blades of wheat extending into the sky for freedom and adventure; the bottoms of the W would extend lower than the "ild", and "zen" would be written much smaller and squatter and intentionally, under the "ild" -- a part of the concept, a place close to the earth, a haven to return to when wild has stretched so far it needs to sink and melt down deep for nourishment and rejuvination.

Wild is earthy and growth and movement. Zen is content with what is, tranquility of being, the essence of beautiful, thoughtful minimalism.

Wild is waves of an ocean at a thriving and exciting shore. Zen is a still lake, deep and contemplative.

Wild is the Amazon jungle, verdant and thriving and rich and dangerous. Zen is a garden with a quarter of small soft rocks, a quarter of soft-sifting sand, a quarter of water, and a quarter of easily-upkept plants, scattered with spots perfect for meditating.

Each of these are a part of me, inside, outside, home, world. They seem like opposites, but really they are two sides of one coin and share so many commonalities, like residing in and coming from nature, being full of nourishment, soaring with spirituality, experienced in solitude or tribally, self-directed.

I am really loving this new name. It very much appeals to my Libra rising (balance), as well as my Pisces sun (soulful), and my Taurus moon (earth-oriented). Let's see how long it sits with me :)


1 comment:

mb said...

this is so beautiful. i love the yin/yang of the words. :)