Wednesday, February 23, 2011

When Jai Turned One

So, Najaia turned 1 last Sunday. I feel like I cannot get enough of celebrating her first birthday. I want to keep celebrating and sharing and reminiscing about her birth a year ago. It was a huge deal for this family, for me. Bringing Jai into this family has created more love between me and my kids than I ever thought possible. Jai's birth brought so much love to me from Tribemamas -- I've never felt so loved and valued in my life <3 I LOVED being pregnant and giving birth and look forward to it again. My freebirth was one of the hugest things to happen in my life -- I cannot find the words to express the self trust I found during my unassisted pregnancy and birth. I wanna tell the story and retell the story to everyone who wants to hear. I feel strong, like an Amazon woman, and feminine, like a goddess. I feel wild and sacred and sturdy like an oak tree. I want to keep feeling that way, which is probably why I can't get my fill of thinking about her birth during this time. It was so beautiful and peaceful. I feel like I was a birthing goddess, even though at the time my perfectionist self only thought of how it could have been better. Now, all I can think about is the success and think of how it has paved the way for my future births. What an experience! When I get a chance, I will post her birth story in my journal. Until then, I just wanna crank up the music, paint beauty all over the place, and celebrate! (oh, and eat cake -- told you I can't stop celebrating!!)

A pic from her first birthday party :))


mb said...

ok am i in a time warp?! lol.... i swear i was at the farmers market when you called me to tell me she was born. she's a summer baby! what the-? am i nuts? (it's entirely possible i am!!!!) but i had to comment to say she is such a cutie in this picture!!!

Nova said...

Whoops! I forgot to share that this was an old post LOL She was born Sept 5 :)) You are right LOLOL